Day1- Untitled #21天英语听力学习打卡#

Day1- Untitled #21天英语听力学习打卡#

作者: Yvanna_15 | 来源:发表于2018-05-28 23:08 被阅读64次


    Day1—— untitled

    What will most help you lead a long happy and healthy life? Is it making lots of money? Is it a great job that you enjoy? Perhaps it’s fame.
    【最能帮助你过上长久幸福健康的生活的是什么?是 赚很多钱吗? 还是一份你喜欢的了不起的工作吗?也许是名声。】
    If you ask a young person, many are likely to give you one of those answers. Or possibly all three.
    Some cultures put more importance on work and money than others. Americans can be obsessed with their jobs and making money. They might feel the need to make lots of money for education, medical care, homes and cars.
    But it’s not just about the money. For many Americans, self-worth is linked to our professional success or failure. Many of us spend most of our lives working – sacrificing other activities.
    Imagine if we could visit our older selves and ask -- "What would you have done differently to be truly happy?"
    【想象一下,如果我们能够拜访老年的自己,并问 - “你会以什么不同的方式做到真正的快乐?”】
    But we can’t do that.
    We could learn about what makes people happy, and what does not, by studying people over the course of their lives.
    For almost 80 years, Harvard Medical School researchers have been doing just that.
    The Harvard Study of Adult Development is one of the most comprehensive longitudinal studies in history.
    Since 1938, it has followed the lives of a group of men from their teen years to old age. Later, the researchers began to follow their wives and children, as well.
    【自1938年以来,它一直追随着从青少年到老年的一群男人的生活。 后来,研究人员也开始关注他们的妻子和孩子。】
    The study finds that wealth, social position and an important job title do not necessarily lead to health and happiness.



    • all(英 /ɔːl/ 美 /ɔl/) 听成 of (英 /ɒv; (ə)v/ 美 /ʌv; əv/)
    • cultures (英 /'kʌltʃəz/ 美 /'kʌltʃɚz/)【n. 文明,文化(culture复数)】听成 coachers(英/'kəʊtʃə/ 美/'kotʃɚ/ )【 n. 教练;家庭老师;跑垒指导员;拉车的马】
    • men (英 /men/ 美 /mɛn/)听成 man(英 /mæn/ 美 /mæn/)
    • wives(英 /waɪvz/ 美 /waɪvz/)听成 wifes,注意:wife的复数是wives不是wifes。


    • be likely to【有可能;很可能】
    • be less likely to【不太可能】
    • You also know from experience that the first time you run something, problems are likely to pop up.
    • Despite the challenges, we are likely to see more desktop applications tapping into the web.
    • possibly(英/'pɒsɪblɪ/ 美/'pɑsəbli/ )【adv. 可能地;也许;大概】注意拼写,写possiblely是错的
    • obsessed(英/əb'sest/)【adj. 着迷的;无法摆脱的 v. 着迷(obsess的过去式);纠缠】


    • They were obsessed by her song.【他们都被她的歌声迷住了。】
    • to be obsessed with the idea of an ill omen【被一种不祥之兆的念头所缠绕】
    • medical care【医疗护理】(英 /'medɪk(ə)l/ 美 /'mɛdɪkl/)
    • self-worth(英/'self'wə:θ/)【n. 自我价值;自尊;自负】
    • success or failure【成败】
    • sacrificing【祭祀 牺牲 亏本出售(sacrifice的现在分词)】
    • sacrificing oneself 牺牲
    • at the sacrifice of 以牺牲…为代价
      She made many sacrifices to get a good education. 【 为了受到良好教育,她做出了很多牺牲。】
    • comprehensive(英/kɒmprɪ'hensɪv/ 美/ˌkɑːmprɪˈhensɪv/ )【全面 综合的 广泛的 综合性】

    comprehensive evaluation 【综合评价,综合评价法】comprehensive analysis 【综合分析】
    comprehensive utilization 【综合利用】
    comprehensive examination【[常用复数]综合测验,专业综合考试】
    comprehensive school【综合学校,综合性中学】

    • longitudinal (英/,lɒn(d)ʒɪ'tjuːdɪn(ə)l; ,lɒŋgɪ-/ 美/,lɑndʒə'tudnl/ )【纵向的(与transverse相对) 经度的;水平的;纵贯】
    • teen(英/tiːn/ 美/tin/ )【n. 青少年(等于teenager);愤怒;悲哀】
    • wealth(英/welθ/ 美/wɛlθ/ )【财富】

    a wealth of adj. 很多的
    wealth management 财富管理
    wealth of society 社会财富
    wealth effect 财富效应
    wealth tax [经]财产税,财富税
    common wealth 共同财富
    health and wealth 健康与财富
    god of wealth 财神
    wealth and fame 名利
    financial wealth 金融财富
    wealth brings happiness 财富带来幸福
    Wealth makes worship.【 [谚语]财富造成崇拜;富在深山有远亲。】


    A mess




    听力放送:微信公众号 是Judy小姐姐呀 07:00
    答案公布:微信群 20:30

    • 第1遍:泛听
    • 第2遍:精听(断句10s听写)
    • 第3遍:补充
    • 第4遍:审查



          本文标题:Day1- Untitled #21天英语听力学习打卡#
