清朗1004 问自己问题,再对你的答案提问

清朗1004 问自己问题,再对你的答案提问

作者: 许心 | 来源:发表于2019-02-25 22:27 被阅读0次

Ask yourself questions, then question your answers.

By Derek Sivers

Whether in your daily diary, or the “Thoughts On” journals, I find the single most useful thing has been using it as a place to ask myself questions, and answer them.


If I’m planning on doing something, I ask myself what I hope to get out of it, why, and whether there are other ways to get what I want.


When I’m feeling conflicted, especially, I’ll ask myself a bunch of questions to work through my feelings, looking for the source of the conflict, then ask myself more questions around the clash in values, and work through other alternate ways I’d like things to be.


I answer with my initial thought first, but then question it afterwards with skepticism, and consider different perspectives.


 I hear this is similar to cognitive behavioral therapy — and I’ve been meaning to learn more about that. But whatever you call it, I think it’s been the single most important thing to my intellectual and emotional development.


Almost all the thoughts I have on any subject are the result of writing in my diary and journals, then questioning myself and working through alternate ways of thinking about it, and finally returning to the subject days or months later with a clear head and updated thoughts, seeing how they’ve changed or not over time.



1.thoughts on=thoughts about sth.

2.get out of ssth.= to avoid doing sth. that you should do or that you said you would do.

3.work through= to deal with sth. such as a problem or a strong feeling by thingking and talking about it.


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      本文标题:清朗1004 问自己问题,再对你的答案提问
