Shanghai to roll out world's first 5G railway station
The world's first 5G-enabled railway station is on its way! The Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station is the first railway station built upon the 5G digital indoor system, with China Mobile and Huawei launching the network's deployment there on Monday. By the end of 2019, the station will be fully covered by 5G signals.
世界上第一个启用5G的火车站即将开通! 上海虹桥火车站是第一个建在5G数字室内系统上的火车站,中国移动和华为周一在那里启动了该网络的部署。 到2019年底,该电台将完全覆盖5G信号。
Discovering a new form of communication in the brain
CLEVELAND—Biomedical engineering researchers at Case Western Reserve University say they have identified a previously unidentified form of neural communication, a discovery that could help scientists better understand neural activity surrounding specific brain processes and brain disorders.
克利夫兰 - 凯斯西储大学的生物医学工程研究人员表示,他们已经确定了一种以前未被识别的神经沟通形式,这一发现可以帮助科学家更好地了解围绕特定脑部过程和脑部疾病的神经活动。
“We don’t know yet the ‘So what?’ part of this discovery entirely,” said lead researcher Dominique Durand, the Elmer Lincoln Lindseth Professor in Biomedical Engineering and director of the Neural Engineering Center at the Case School of Engineering. “But we do know that this seems to be an entirely new form of communication in the brain, so we are very excited about this.
“我们完全不知道'那又怎样?'这一发现的一部分,”首席研究员Dominique Durand说道,他是生物医学工程的Elmer Lincoln Lindseth教授和Case工程学院神经工程中心主任。 “但我们知道这似乎是大脑中一种全新的交流方式,所以我们对此感到非常兴奋。
BBC:The founder of Huawei has said there is "no way the US can crush(摧毁)" the company, in an exclusive interview(独家采访) with the BBC.
Ren Zhengfei described the arrest of his daughter Meng Wanzhou, the company's chief financial officer, as politically motivated.政治动机.
The US is pursuing争取 criminal charges against Huawei and Ms Meng, including money laundering, bank fraud银行诈骗and stealing trade secrets窃取贸易秘密.