$ ./test.sh 11 22 33 44 55
5 <- echo ${#} : the count of total options
11 22 33 44 55 <- echo ${@} : the all options
11 <- echo ${1} : the first option, notice ${0} is the command itself
22 <- echo ${2} : the second option
55 <- echo ${@: -1} : the last opton
44 55 <- echo ${@: -2} : the second to the last option
22 33 44 <- echo ${@: 2:3} : the 3 options start from the second
33 44 55 <- echo ${@: 3:$#} : all the options start from the third
33 44 <- echo ${@: 3:$#-3} : the ($#-3) options start from the third
44 55 <- echo ${@: -2:2} : the last 2 options