- 知识点61 :S字母开头的单词 somber-sporadi
- L10 : A字母开头的单词 avaricious-avert
- L09 : A字母开头的单词 assiduous-authent
- L07 : A字母开头的单词 annihilate-ardent
- L05 : A字母开头的单词 amorous- amphibia
- L06 : A字母开头的单词 acquiesce-adulter
- L08 : A字母开头的单词 arrant-askew
- L02 : A字母开头的单词 abjure-acerbic
- L03 : A字母开头的单词 affluence-ally
- 知识点3: A字母开头的单词 affluence-all
- If someone is somber, they are serious or sad
- Somber colours and places are dark and dull
If something foreshadows an event or situation, it suggests thet it will happen
A conata is a piece of classical music written either for a single instrument, or for one instrument and a piano
Dissonance is a lack of agreement or harmony between things
- Cord is strong, thick string
- Cord is wire covered in rubber or plastic which connects electrical equipment to an electricity supply
concord:和谐 - Concord is a state of peaceful agreement
- In grammer, concord refers to the way that a word has a form appropriate to the number or gender of the noun or pronoun it relates to.
Discord is disagreement and argument between people
resonance:共鸣 - If something has a resonance for someone, it has a special meaning or is particularly important to them
- If a sound has resonance, it is deep, clear, and strong
resound:回响) - When a noise resounds, it is heard very loudly and clearly
- If a place resounds with or to particular noises, it is filled with them
Something that is soporific makes you feel sleepy
- If you describe someone’s behavior as sordid, you mean that it is immoral or dishonest
- If you describe a place as sordid, you mean that it is dirty, unpleansant, or depressing
Pristine things are extremely clean or new
filthy:污秽 - Something that is filthy is very dirty
- If you describe something as filthy, you mean that you think it is morally very unpleasant and disgusting, sometimes in a sexual way
filter:过滤器) - To filter a substance means to pass it through a device which is designed to remove certain particles constained in it
- If light or sound filters into a place, it comes in weakly or slowly, either through a partly covered opening, or from a long distance way
- When news or imformation filters through to people, it gradually reaches them
- A filter is a device through which a substance is passed
- A filter is a device through which sound or light is passed and which blocks or reduces particular sound or light frequencies
Sovereignty is the power that a country has to govern itself or another country or state
Spat is a past tense and past participle of
A spate of things, especially unpleasant things, is a large number of them that happen or appear within a short period of time
- If something spouts liquid or fires, or if liquid or fire spout out of something, it comes out very quickly with a lot of force
- If you say that a person spouts something, you disapprove of them because they say something which you do not agree with or which you think they do not honestly feel
- A spout is a long, hollow part of a container through which liquids can be poured out easily
To argue, esp heatedly; dispute
When people squabble, they quarrel about something that is not really important
quarrel:吵架 - A quarrel is an angry argument between two or more friends or family members
- When two or more people quarrel, they have an angry argument
- If you say that you have no quarrel with someone or something, you mean that you do not disagree with them
- Quarrels between countries or groups of people are disagreements, which may be diplomatic or include fighting
If you wangle something that you want, you manage to get it by being clever or persuading someone
When people bicker, they argue or quarrel about umimportant things
fray:磨损 - If something such as cloth or rope frays, or if something frays it, its threads or fibres start to come apart from each other and spoil its appearance
- If your nerves or your temper fray, or if something frays them, you become nervous or easily annoyed because of mental strain and anxiety
A fight, noisy quarrel, or disturbance between two or more persons in a public place
- If there is friction between people, there is disagreement and argument between them
- Friction is the force that makes it difficult for things to move freely when they are touching each other
Sporadic occurrences of something happen at irregular intervals
- Someone who is radiant is so happy that their happiness shows in their face
- Something that is radiant glows brightly
Something that is radioactive contains a substance that produces energy in the form of powerful and harmful rays
If someone or something is irradiated, they are exposed to a large amount of radioactivity
illuminate:照亮) - To illuminate something means to shine light on it and to make it brighter and more visible
- If you illuminate something that is unclear or difficult to understand, you make it clearer by explaining it carefully or giving imformation about it