

作者: 阎凤超_财富人生教练 | 来源:发表于2019-02-17 22:43 被阅读138次


    Religion professor Wade Roofs has defined spirituality as “knowing our deepest selves and what is sacred to us.” We have found that it has both universality and great utility. Powerful transformations occur for our clients when they are able to shift their focus from filling deficits to cultivating deeper values and defining a vision for themselves. As the tennis player Arthur Ashe once put it: “From what we get in life, we make a living. From what we give, we make a life.”

    宗教学教授Wade Roofs将灵性定义为“了解最深层的自己和最珍视的事物”。我们发现这项定义放之四海皆准并很强的适用性。当顾客能够把专注力从弥不足而转向培养深层价值观、为自己确立愿景(目标)时,他们才会发生强有力的巨大改变。正如网球运动员Arthur Ashe所说“从生活所赐中,我们谋生;从付出中,我们真正地生活”!

    When Andy came to see us late in 2001, he had lost his way. The president and CEO of a large real estate development company, he felt completely disengaged at work. “I had been through a series of health challenges, and the medication regime had left me feeling bloated and sluggish,” he explained, “but really these were symptoms of something bigger. For nearly all my life, I felt passionate about my work. Then I ran into some difficult management issues, and I had some frustrating setbacks. It got to the point that I didn’t even care about getting up to go to work in the morning. I was deep into victim mode and I needed a lifeline.”


    Defining what mattered to him most created a breakthrough for Andy. He settled on five key values—persistence, integrity, excellence, creativity and commitment. They became his touchstone—and the source of his motivation for change.


    “All day, every day, whether I’m at work or I’m exercising or I’m with my family, I ask myself if what I’m doing is serving my values,” Andy explains. “If my motivation for exercising hard had been fitting into the pants that I wore two years ago, that would have worked for a while, but it wouldn’t have lasted. When I’m on the treadmill now and I feel like getting off, what I think about is persistence, integrity and commitment. Without linking up to those values, I’d be asking myself “Why the hell am I doing this?” and I’d probably quit. Andy brings a similar thought process to his eating habits. In the first two months after working with us, he lost thirty-two pounds. Between working out and losing weight, his energy increased dramatically.


    Andy called on the fuel of purpose very directly at work. “When I’m on the job,” he explains, “I'm asking myself ‘Am I generating the kind of leadership, providing direction, setting strategy and responding to the marketplace in a way that is reflective of my five key values?’ For me the values create a very simple mirror. They keep me on purpose, and they renew me when I find myself wandering off course. My sense of commitment is way up, and I’m communicating that energy to others. I'm leaping out of bed in the mornings. I have absolutely retaken responsibility for the results of my company. I’m leading with purpose, which I wasn’t doing before.”


    我的思考My Thinking

    Regular review of our values and handle things accordingly can prevent distraction of surroundings, eg Alice can only wander as she has no clear purpose which rooted from one's values. The fundamental of values is grasping what is the most important and then judge everything. Extremely speaking, anything irrelevant to values is a barrier!

    Clear values can impact across all dimensions of Energy Management and same to all aspects of our lives, including health, living, work, relationship. It's essentially meaningful if we invest a lot of time and energy to sharpen our values.



