作者: I枫林渡 | 来源:发表于2018-02-24 22:21 被阅读0次

    48 February 24

          Narcissism has two meanings:I am right and I am better than you,which we were born with.But in the course of our growth,our parents had been fighting our narcissism all the time.They imposed what they thought was right on us and required us to do what they said,resulting in our starting to cater to our parents' ideas,with our own true emotions and thoughts hidden,and the more ridiculous thing was that they always said I did it for your own good.The more terrible thing is that  this way of education will root and germinate.The person who grew up under such idea of education would keep the method in mind without any consciousness and  did the same things to their children again.

          From my perspective, there is no doubt that no one can try to control us ,an independent individual,even if they are our parents, even if their purpose is to make us better.Life is our own.For those who try to invade our borders,we have the right to say no.

          Suddenly, I find there are a lot of children  around me,seeing their parents is taking the same way of raiseing them .I think it's  quite terrible.On the other hand,I come to realize that the gap between  me and the elites who have grown up from a  high quality growth environment comes to existence in such early period.



