“If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is”.
too good to be true 好得令人难以置信(太好了,不可能是真的)
它的中文意思是:如果一件事情听起来好得难以置信,那么它也许真的不可信。这句话非常实用,经常出现在美国人的日常对话中。该句往往被用来警告人们:对于貌似有诱惑力但实则可能藏有陷阱的事物、交易(比如:Ponzi Scheme–庞氏骗局),一定要谨慎对待。

“If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is”
据说,这句话最早因作为美国BBB(Better Business Bureau)的一句宣传语(catchphrase)得以流行。
很多朋友都想了解北美信誉评级机构的情况,特别是保护消费者利益的信誉评级机构BBB(Better Business Bureau),简称商业促进局。http://www.bbbmoneynow.org/

“If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is” was a catchphrase used by the Better Business Bureau to alert the public to shady business practices. The phrase was used since at least 1954; in 1962, the BBB produced a short film titled Too Good To Be True.
“If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is”,这是一句固定的套话,当然,这并不妨碍它也有一些其他的版本,比如:前半句可以说成”If it seems/looks too good to be true”,后半句也可以是:it is,或it usually is。不过我自己最喜欢的版本还是本文开头的这一句:“If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is”。
Your new job sounds too good to be true--interesting work, high pay, short hours. Isn't there any fly in the ointment?
fly in the ointment (美国俚语,美中不足)
fly是苍蝇,ointment是油膏或者药膏。可想而知小小的苍蝇掉进了一缸油膏里,可不是把好好的油膏全糟蹋了吗?由此可以推想fly in the ointment这个习惯用语必定指虽小却搅了全局的东西或事情。
You know that it is too good to be true.你知道这是好得令人难以置信。
It's too good to be true, isn't it?这太好了,好得难以置信是吗?
Sometimes life can be too good to be true. But is the deal too good to be true?但是如此好事能否成真呢?
This probably sounds too good to be true, right?这可能听起来好得是真实的,对不对?
The news is almost too good to be true.这消息简直好得难以置信。
Is this too good to be true?这一结果是不是好得让人难以置信?
That's too good to be true.天底下哪有这样的好事啊?
You are too good to be true.你简直完美的有些不真实。
Yes, the chance is too good to be true.是啊,这机会真是好到不像是真的。
The news is too good to be true.这消息太好,恐怕不可靠。
That news seems far too good to be true.那消息好得令人无法相信。
I knew it was too good to be true.我知道这只是我一相情愿。
Sure, but it sounds too good to be true!当然有兴趣,但这有点好得令人不敢相信!
Does this sound too good to be true?这听起来是不是太好了而让人难于置信?
And because My promises are too good to be true.并且因为我的承诺太好了,以致你觉得不可能是真的。