He grew up in a bustling town, located on the bank of the Mississippi River.
His father served as a storekeeper, lawyer and judge, but never becoming rich.
His mother was a great storyteller with a tender heart.
His family bogged down in financial difficulties when his father died in 1847.
When he was only about 9 years old, he witnessed an enslaved person killed by a white overseer. During his childhood, he saw not only the bright side of the river town such as circuses, shows and many steamboats, but also the dark and cruel side.
In order to ease the financial burden of his family, he worked as an apprentice printer with earning a meager salary when he was still a teenager.
At the age of 21, he started learning how to pilot a steamboat and two years later got his pilot license. Even through he loved his job so much, his service was halted by the outbreak of the Civil War.
As some of his big plans didn’t work out, he became almost destitute, so he decided to work as a reporter. Shortly afterward, with his gripping news stories, he became one of the famous storytellers in the West.
He published his first book, the innocents abroad(《傻子出国记》), in 1869 and earned a reputation as a bestseller nationwide.
He got honorary degrees from Yale and Harvard.
He said: “In order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to obtain.”
He published two world-famous novels: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(《汤姆·索亚历险记》和《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》).
Some people know his real name as Samuel Clemens(萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门).
Do you have any idea who he is?
If you can’t figure out his name, here the answer is
马克·吐温(Mark Twain)