CAP c 一致性 a 可用性 p 分区容忍性
BASE Basically Available 基本可用 分布式系统在出现不可预知故障的时候,允许损失部分可用性 Soft state 软状态 Eventually Consistent 最终一致
Left: the particle theory of lightRight: the wave theory ...
Trichromatic Theory: The theory that there are three type...
The black swan theory or theory of black swan events is a...
Cognitive Appraisal Theory of Emotion: A theory stating t...
Game theory video linkofficial linke Game theory is study...
Vocabulary【Leadership Theories I】 Theory X and Theory YTh...
Cannon-Brad theory of Emotion: A theory stating that an e...
下载地址:Coding Theory and Number Theory[www.rejoiceblog.com]...
2020-01-17 CAPc 一致性a 可用性p 分区容忍性 BASEBasically Available 基...
About Theory——About Theory 希奥睿简介 英文名称:Theory 中文名称:希奥睿 创始时...