React Native热更新(iOS)-Pushy

React Native热更新(iOS)-Pushy

作者: 飞鱼湾 | 来源:发表于2016-09-27 17:24 被阅读387次

React Native的出现,使的开发iOS代码出现了更便捷的方式。由于RN是使用脚本语言编写的,实现了“解释执行”的方式,而这种执行方式的修改只需替换脚步即可,不需要重新发布程序,热更新的方式极大的方便了迭代开发。


  1. 创建react native工程

$react-native init PushyDemo

  1. 安装update工具, Pushy热更新需要update配合使用
    • RN 0.29+
      $npm install -g react-native-update-cli
  • RN 0.28及以下
    $npm install -g react-native-update-cli rnpm
  1. 在PushyDemo目录下添加Pushy组件并自动link
  • RN 0.29+
$ npm install --save react-native-update
$ react-native link react-native-update
  • RN 0.27-0.28
$ npm install --save react-native-update@2.x
$ rnpm link react-native-update
  • RN 0.26及以下
$ npm install --save --save-exact react-native-update@1.0.x
$ rnpm link react-native-update
  1. 配置Bundle URL

  • 在工程target的Build Phases->Link Binary with Libraries中加入libz.tbd、libbz2.1.0.tbd
  • 在你的AppDelegate.m文件中增加如下代码:
    #import "RCTHotUpdate.h"

    #if DEBUG
        // 原来的jsCodeLocation
        jsCodeLocation = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true"];
        jsCodeLocation=[RCTHotUpdate bundleURL];
  1. 配置ATS

  • 从iOS9开始,苹果要求以白名单的形式在Info.plist中列出外部的非https接口,以督促开发者部署https协议。在我们的服务部署https协议之前,请在Info.plist中添加如下,其中true的类型必须是String:
  1. 登录与创建应用

  • 登录
$ pushy 
loginemail: <输入你的注册邮箱>
password: <输入你的密码>
  • 创建应用
$ pushy createApp --platform ios
App Name: <输入应用名字>
  1. 添加热更新

  • 导入认证key,检查更新时必须提供你的appKey,这个值保存在update.json中
import { 
} from 'react-native';
import _updateConfig from './update.json';
const {appKey} = _updateConfig[Platform.OS];
  • 检查更新,下载更新
checkUpdate = () => {
    checkUpdate(appKey).then(info => {
      if (info.expired) {
        Alert.alert('提示', '您的应用版本已更新,请前往应用商店下载新的版本', [
          {text: '确定', onPress: ()=>{info.downloadUrl && Linking.openURL(info.downloadUrl)}},
      } else if (info.upToDate) {
        Alert.alert('提示', '您的应用版本已是最新.');
      } else {
        Alert.alert('提示', '检查到新的版本'+info.name+',是否下载?\n'+ info.description, [
          {text: '是', onPress: ()=>{this.doUpdate(info)}},
          {text: '否',},
    }).catch(err => {
      Alert.alert('提示', '更新失败.' + err);
  1. 发布iOS应用

  • 打包ipa文件,并把文件放到PushyDemo的根目录
  • 上传ipa,以供后续版本对比只用
    $ pushy uploadIpa <your-package.ipa>
$ pushy uploadIpa PushyDemo.ipa
  Uploading [==================================================================] 100% 0.0s
Ipa uploaded: 2362
GandalfdeiMac:PushyDemo gandalf$ pushy bundle --platform ios
Bundling with React Native version:  0.34.0
[2016-09-27 14:21:58] <START> Building Dependency Graph
[2016-09-27 14:22:25] <END>   Building Dependency Graph (26748ms)
transformed 368/368 (100%)
[2016-09-27 14:22:32] <END>   Finding dependencies (28763ms)
bundle: start
bundle: finish
bundle: Writing bundle output to: /Users/gandalf/Documents/kelvin/Github/HotUpdate/PushyDemo/build/intermedia/ios/index.bundlejs
bundle: Copying 5 asset files
bundle: Done writing bundle output
bundle: Done copying assets
Bundled saved to: build/output/ios.1474957297204.ppk
Would you like to publish it?(Y/N) Y
  Uploading [==================================================================] 100% 0.0s
Enter version name: 1.1.0
Enter description: change upgrade description
Enter meta info: {"ok": 1}
Version published: 5244
Would you like to bind packages to this version?(Y/N) Y
2362) 1.0(normal) (newest)
Total 1 packages.
Enter packageId: 2362
  • 随后你可以选择往AppStore发布这个版本,也可以先通过Test flight等方法进行测试,或者你可以把ipa包通过iTunes安装到手机进行后续测试。
  1. 发布热更新版本

  • 修改代码后,打包新的版本
$ pushy bundle --platform ios
Bundling with React Native version:  0.34.0
[2016-09-27 14:33:39] <START> Building Dependency Graph
[2016-09-27 14:33:51] <END>   Building Dependency Graph (12461ms)
transformed 369/369 (100%)
[2016-09-27 14:33:54] <END>   Finding dependencies (10696ms)
bundle: start
bundle: finish
bundle: Writing bundle output to: /Users/gandalf/Documents/kelvin/Github/HotUpdate/PushyDemo/build/intermedia/ios/index.bundlejs
bundle: Done writing bundle output
bundle: Copying 6 asset files
bundle: Done copying assets
Bundled saved to: build/output/ios.1474958010480.ppk
Would you like to publish it?(Y/N) Y
  Uploading [==================================================================] 100% 0.0s
Enter version name: 1.2.0
Enter description: add image
Enter meta info: {"ok": 1}
Version published: 5247
Would you like to bind packages to this version?(Y/N) Y
2362) 1.0(normal) - 5244 Fv97KfnZ 1.1.0
Total 1 packages.
Enter packageId: 2362
  1. 点击客户端的刷新按钮,即可看到有更新版本的提示





      本文标题:React Native热更新(iOS)-Pushy
