1. perpetual
1. continuing for a long time period of time without interruption
We lived for years in a perpetual state of fear.
2. frequently repeated, in a way that is annoying
How can I work with these perpetual interruptions?
my mother's perpetual nagging.
3. (of a job or position) lasting for the whole of sb's life
He was elected perpetual president.
2. empirical
based on experiments or experience rather than ideas or theories
empirical evidence / knowledge / research / study
3. pick holes in sth
to find mistakes in something someone has done or said, to show that it is not good or not corret
It was easy to pick holes in his argument.
4. falsify
If someone falsifies something, they change it or add untrue details to it in order to deceive people.
The file was altered to falsify the evidence.
5. speculative
1. based on guessing, not on information or facts
The papers ran speculative stories about the mysterious disappearance of Eddie Donagan...
2. Someone who has a speculative expression seems to be trying to guess something about a person or thing.
His mother regarded him with a speculative eye.
3. (of business activity) done in the hope of making a profit but involving the risk of losing money
6. compelling
1. that makes you pay attention to it because it is so interesting and exciting
Her latest book makes compelling reading.
His life makes a compelling story.
2. so strong that you must do sth about it
a compelling need / desire
He felt a compelling need to tell someone about his idea.
3. that makes you think it is true
compelling reason / argument/ case etc.
7. deflection
the action of making something change its direction
the deflection of the missile away from its target
8. cathode
A cathode is the negative electrode in a cell such as a battery.
9. anode
In electronics, an anode is the positive electrode in a cell such as a battery.
10. apparatus
1. the tools or other pieces of equipment that are needed for a particular activity or task
a piece of laboratory apparatus
Firefighters needed breathing apparatus to enter the burning house.
2. the structure of a system or an organization, particularly that of a political party or a government
the power of the state apparatus
11. supernova
a very large exploding star 超新星
12. ingenious
1. (of an object, a plan, an idea, etc.) very suitable for a particular purpose and resulting from clever
new ideas
an ingenious device
ingenious ways of saving energy
His plots are always very ingenious.
2. (of a person) having a lot of clever new ideas and good at inventing thingsan ingenious cook
She's very ingenious when it comes to finding excuses.
13. quash
1. (law) to officially say that a decision made by a court is no longer valid or correct
His conviction was later quashed by the Court of Appeal.
2. to take action to stop something from continuing
The rumours were quickly quashed.
The government moved quickly to quash the revolt.
14. combustion
the process of burning
Poisonous gases are produced during fossil fuel combustion.
15. chromosome
one of the very small structures like threads in the nuclei(=central parts) of animal and plant cells, that
carry the genes 染色体
Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes in their cells.
16. albeit
(formal) although
He finally agreed, albeit reluctantly, to help us.
17. Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy 自然哲学的数学原理
18. artillery
large, heavy guns which are often moved on wheels 火炮
The town is under heavy artillery fire.
artillery attacks / barrages / shells
the artillery [singular] the section of an army trained to use these guns 炮兵部队
He was a captain in the Royal Artillery.
19. meteorologist
a scientist who studiesmeteorology 气象学家
20. theology
1. the study of religion and beliefs
a degree in Theology
a theology student
2. a set of religious beliefs
the theologies of the East