HQL 参考

作者: 聪明的奇瑞 | 来源:发表于2017-12-26 16:40 被阅读42次


    • HQL(Hibernate Query Language)提供更加丰富灵活、强大的查询功能
    • HQL 语句形式:select .... from .... where .... group by .... having .... order by ....
    • 最简单的 HQL 只需要一个 FROM 就可以够成
    • HQL 对大小写敏感,关键字不区分大小写
    • HQL 是面向对象的查询语言

    HQL 语句参考:

    • Card为类名,不是表名,可写全路径
    from Card
    • 条件查询
    from Card where cardName = 'DOTA'
    • 模糊查询
    from Card where cardName like '%林%'
    • 条件查询
    from Card c where c.createDate > '2011-08-08'
    • betwwen and
    from Card c where c.createDate between '2011-08-08' and '2022-11-11'
    • 多条件查询 and
    from Card c where c.createDate between '2011-08-08' and '2022-11-11' and c.cardname like '%林%'
    • 更新
    update Card as c set c.createDate = '2011-03-03' where c.cardType.cardTypeId = 3
    • 删除
    delete from Card c where c.createDate = '2011-03-04'
    • 单个属性查询
    select c.cardName from Card c where c.cardType.cardTypeId = 1
    • 多个属性查询,其中cardTypeName直接通过card对象的cardType获取,省去SQL必须的多表连接
    select c.cardName,c.cardType.cardTypeName,c.createDate from  Card as c where c.cardType.cardTypeId=1
    • 多个属性查询,面向对象
    select new Card(c.cardName,c.createDate) from Card as c 
    • 函数查询
    select count(*),max(c.createDate) from Card as c
    • 排序
    from Card as c order by c.createDate desc
    • 分组
    from Card as c group by c.cardType.cardTypeId 
    • 单个对象查询,可以把对象查询出来
    select c.cardType from Card as c
    • 设置参数参数
    select c.cardType from  Card as c where c.cardType.cardTypeId=:id
    • inner join 查寻结果为多个对象集合
    from Card as c inner join c.cardType
    • left join 查寻结果为多个对象集合
    from CardType as c left join c.cards
    • right join 查寻结果为多个对象集合
    from CardType as c right join c.cards    
    • 子查询
    from CardType as c where (select count(*) from c.cards>0) 



      本文标题:HQL 参考
