WX20170907-154703@2x.png1.React/RCTBundleURLProvider.h' file not found
Delete node modules, then run npm install (or better yet yarn) and after everything has finished downloading, run react-native upgrade which should give you the option to replace old files with the template ones, by doing so you re-link your native dependencies in react-native which should fix your problem. Of course don't forget to clean your project in Xcode 删除项目中 node modules文件夹,终端运行 npm install ,运行完成后 clearn Xcode. 如果还是不OK的话,如下: xcode Product->Scheme->Manage Schemes click '+' at the Target to select "React" and set the React is shared.
2.'boost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hpp' file not found
3. library not found for -lRCTBlob
解决办法:直接无视 react-native upgrade 一遍 解决.
WX20170908-103500.png引用路径问题,更改为: import ddd from 'FirstProj/src/ddd'