1. 逆袭
He went from rags to riches.
=from zero to hero
2. 兽皮
animal skin = hide
3. 一炮打响,一举成功
run-away success/ best-seller
get off the ground
4. 彻彻底底;了如指掌
I'm Chinese through and through.
=completely, thoroughly
He knows me through and through.
=No one knows me better than you do.
5. 天下没有免费的午餐
There is no such thing as a free lunch.
6. 不如意,不开心
feel blue, down in the dumps, under the weather, shit happens
7. 天文数字
astronomical number
bajillion, zillion
8. 生活不如意
Go downhill,go south,fall apart,on the rocks,days are getting harder
9. suggest
suggest sb/sth for sth
suggest doing
suggest that sb (should) do
suggest sb to do
还有可以表示推荐的表达,advice,可以advice sb to do
10. 夸人唱歌唱得好
bring the house down