coxa:['kɑksə]n. [解剖] 髋;[无脊椎] 基节(昆虫类或节肢动物的)
trochanter: [tro'kæntɚ]n. [解剖] 转子;粗隆;昆虫的转节
femur:['fimɚ]n. [解剖] 股骨;大腿骨
patella:[pə'tɛlə] n. [解剖] 膝盖骨
tibia:['tɪbɪə] n. 胫骨;[昆] 胫节(昆虫)
metatarsus: [,mɛtə'tɑrsəs] n.跖骨;中骨
tarsus:n. 睑板;跗骨;踝骨
sit/stand bolt upright:to sit or stand with your back very straight, often because something has frightened you〔常因受到惊吓〕挺直地坐着/站着
chubby: slightly fat in a way that looks healthy and attractive
scramble: [I always + adv/prep] to climb up, down, or over something quickly and with difficulty, especially using your hands to help you
spinneret: ['spɪnə,rɛt]any of several organs in spiders and certain insects through which silk threads are exuded (蜘蛛和某些昆虫的)吐丝器
hurl:[T always + adv/prep] to throw something with a lot of force, especially because you are angry; hurl yourself at/against etc sb/sthto throw yourself at someone or something with a lot of force向某人/某物猛扑过去
dragline:n. 牵引绳索
hastily:quickly, perhaps too quickly飞快地;仓促地
check:[T] to suddenly stop yourself from saying or doing something because you realize it would be better not to
thump:n. [C ]the dull sound that is made when something hits a surface
sway:[I] to move slowly from one side to another
bump:n. the sound or sudden movement of something hitting a hard surface
anything to oblige:任何要求
hitch:a type of knot; a half hitch 半结
stale:bread or cake that is stale is no longer fresh or good to eat
quitter:n. 轻易放弃的人
summon: /'sʌmən,ˋsʌmən/ v. [T ] to try very hard to have enough of something such as courage, energy, or strength, because you need it
neglect:/nɪ'ɡlekt,nɪˋglɛkt/ v. [T ] to fail to look after someone or something properly. neglect to do sth: formal to not do something
thud: n. [C ] the low sound made by a heavy object hitting something else
cheer up: When you cheer up or when something cheers you up, you stop feeling depressed and become more cheerful.
sedentary: formal spending a lot of time sitting down, and not moving or exercising very much
beechnut: n. 山毛榉坚果
truffle: n. [植] 松露;块菌
delectable: extremely pleasant to taste or smell
hang one's head: to look ashamed and embarrassed〔羞愧、尴尬地〕垂下头
stretch out:If you stretch out or stretch yourself out, you lie with your legs and body in a straight line. (使) 平躺 Wilburstretched out on his side.
twilight:n. 黄昏;薄暮
whippoorwill:['hwɪpʊ,wɪl]n. 北美夜鹰
trill:n. 颤音;〔鸟的〕啼啭,唧唧啾啾
toad:n. 蟾蜍 tree toad n. 雨蛙
thrust: to push something somewhere roughly
keep up:If you keep something up, you continue to do it or provide it.
whistling: ['hwɪslɪŋ]n. 吹哨,吹笛
troupe: [trʊp]n. 剧团,演出团
piper:n. 吹笛者;风笛手
vaguely:adv. 含糊地;暧昧地;茫然地
collected:adj. in control of yourself and your thoughts, feelings etc
lose your nerve: suddenly become very nervous so that you cannot do what you intended to do失去勇气
Fern chuckled softly, and her eyes grew wide with love for the pig.
I advise you to put the idea out of your mind.
The thought of death came to him and he began to tremble with fear.
Wilbur trotted over to the darkest corner of his pen and threw himself down.