

作者: 子夜Uni | 来源:发表于2020-11-22 12:35 被阅读0次

    Schneider, T., & Hermsdörfer, J. (2016). Anticipation in object manipulation: behavioral and neural correlates. In Progress in Motor Control (pp. 173-194). Springer, Cham.

    color相关文献整理 - ZhangYu
    size,material,shape相关文献整理 - Zhang YuLu

    Cole, K. J., & Rotella, D. L. (2002). Old age impairs the use of arbitrary visual cues for predictive control of fingertip forces during grasp. Experimental brain research, 143(1), 35-41.

    实验1 和实验2用于区分物体的线索都是颜色
    实验1 两个物体的重量相同,但表面摩擦力不同(砂纸表面和醋酸纤维表面)
    实验2 两个物体表明摩擦力一样,但重量不同(2N和4N)

    Heald, J. B., Ingram, J. N., Flanagan, J. R., & Wolpert, D. M. (2018). Multiple motor memories are learned to control different points on a tool. Nature human behaviour, 2(4), 300-311.

    核心观点是,运动记忆并不是和整个物体绑定的,而是物体上不同的控制点可以对应不同的运动记忆(应为有不同的dynamics),比如用一根棍子,握住中心的时候和握住一端的时候,运动记忆不会互相干扰。用到的研究任务还是reaching范式。(这篇文章另一个核心共享是它的normative switching state-space model (SSSM),根据motor error来逐渐觉察当前的context,而不是突然的切换)
    Introduction部分相关文献整理 - Zhang YuLu


    Proud, K., Heald, J. B., Ingram, J. N., Gallivan, J. P., Wolpert, D. M., & Flanagan, J. R. (2019). Separate motor memories are formed when controlling different implicitly specified locations on a tool. Journal of neurophysiology, 121(4), 1342-1351.

    上一篇NHB的文章表明,如果告诉你要去控制一个物体上不同的控制点(explicit control),你会使用不同的运动记忆;这篇文章探讨了,当使用不同的控制点是一个更加内隐的过程(implicit control),结果是否一样。用到的操作是告诉被试要使用一个虚拟的“橡皮”,把屏幕上一条路径上的“泥巴”给擦掉。这条泥巴要么在手实际运动路径的左边,要么在右边,分别对应了两种力的干扰。被试能够同时学会这两种力的干扰,说明他们使用了分开的运动记忆来表征擦左右两边泥巴的过程。即当控制点在左/右的时候,使用的是分开的运动记忆。


    McGarity-Shipley, M. (2019). Motor Memories in Manipulation Tasks are Linked to Contact Events Between Objects (Doctoral dissertation).
    McGarity-Shipley, M. R., Heald, J. B., Ingram, J. N., Gallivan, J. P., Wolpert, D. M., & Flanagan, J. R. (2020). Motor memories in manipulation tasks are linked to contact goals between objects. Journal of Neurophysiology, 124(3), 994-1004.

    一篇博士论文,另一篇是期刊,就是NHB的引申,认为contact goal也是有效的context。

    Hirashima, M., & Nozaki, D. (2012). Distinct motor plans form and retrieve distinct motor memories for physically identical movements. Current Biology, 22(5), 432-436.


    01 02

    Mohsen, S., Sheahan, H. R., Ingram, J. N., & Wolpert, D. M. (2019). The visual geometry of a tool modulates generalization during adaptation. Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group), 9(1).


    Cothros, N., Wong, J., & Gribble, P. L. (2009). Visual cues signaling object grasp reduce interference in motor learning. Journal of neurophysiology, 102(4), 2112-2120.

    Introduction部分相关文献整理 - ZhangYu


    Schween, R., Langsdorf, L., Taylor, J. A., & Hegele, M. (2019). Of hands, tools, and exploding dots: How different action states and effects separate visuomotor memories. BioRxiv, 548602.

    Sadeghi, M. (2018). Representation and Interaction of Sensorimotor Learning Processes (Doctoral dissertation, University of Cambridge).

    Fu, Q., & Santello, M. (2012). Context-dependent learning interferes with visuomotor transformations for manipulation planning. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(43), 15086-15092.

    Crajé, C., Santello, M., & Gordon, A. M. (2013). Effects of visual cues of object density on perception and anticipatory control of dexterous manipulation. PloS one, 8(10), e76855.


    Nozaki, D., Yokoi, A., Kimura, T., Hirashima, M., & de Xivry, J. J. O. (2016). Tagging motor memories with transcranial direct current stimulation allows later artificially-controlled retrieval. Elife, 5, e15378.


    Farshchiansadegh, A., Melendez-Calderon, A., Ranganathan, R., Murphey, T. D., & Mussa-Ivaldi, F. A. (2016). Sensory agreement guides kinetic energy optimization of arm movements during object manipulation. PLoS computational biology, 12(4), e1004861.

    保持对干扰的适应必须有一致的visual和haptic feedback



