Recent changes

Recent changes

作者: 心花怒放的绿树 | 来源:发表于2023-11-11 17:08 被阅读0次

I had a short haircut, which was the opposite of feminine.

I mostly wear pants now, as they are convenient and warm.

I used to believe that it is important to look beautiful on the outside, because that is what a good girl should do. I do not remember exactly when I had this kind of gender bias that women should be dressed beautifully.

Maybe it dated back to my primary school when I was secretly aware that some boys were talking about me being pretty behind my back and I took that quite seriously, and this mindset to some degree fettered my behavior and thinking. I rigidly confine my behavior in the boundaries of girls’ behavior. I stayed quiet, wore pretty dresses, learn girlish subjects.

Now I feel this belief is so typical of gender bias. Why should women always be feminine? It is ok not to keep long hair, wear dresses, do housework and take care of the family, right? As a human being, the most important is being comfortable about my own being.


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