静夜亮光 九月十二日

静夜亮光 九月十二日

作者: 凯西女士 | 来源:发表于2017-09-13 07:28 被阅读0次
经文: 我要歌唱慈爱和公平。(诗篇一〇一:1)


静夜亮光 九月十二日 静夜亮光 九月十二日
Evening, September 12
Scripture: “I will sing of mercy and judgment.”(Psalm 101:1)

Faith triumphs in trial. When reason is thrust into the inner prison, with her feet made fast in the stocks, faith makes the dungeon walls ring with her merry notes as she cries, “I will sing of mercy and of judgment. Unto thee, O Lord, will I sing.” Faith pulls the black mask from the face of trouble, and discovers the angel beneath. Faith looks up at the cloud, and sees that

“'Tis big with mercy and shall break

  In blessings on her head.”

  There is a subject for song even in the judgments of God towards us. For, first, the trial is not so heavy as it might have been; next, the trouble is not so severe as we deserved to have borne; and our affliction is not so crushing as the burden which others have to carry. Faith sees that in her worst sorrow there is nothing penal; there is not a drop of God's wrath in it; it is all sent in love. Faith discerns love gleaming like a jewel on the breast of an angry God. Faith says of her grief, “This is a badge of honour, for the child must feel the rod”; and then she sings of the sweet result of her sorrows, because they work her spiritual good. Nay, more, says Faith, “These light afflictions, which are but for a moment, work out for me a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” So Faith rides forth on the black horse, conquering and to conquer, trampling down carnal reason and fleshly sense, and chanting notes of victory amid the thickest of the fray.

“All I meet I find assists me

  In my path to heavenly joy:

  Where, though trials now attend me,

  Trials never more annoy.

“Blest there with a weight of glory,

  Still the path I'll ne'er forget,

  But, exulting, cry, it led me

  To my blessed Saviour's seat.”


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      本文标题:静夜亮光 九月十二日
