

作者: 浅墨小笺 | 来源:发表于2018-07-29 23:29 被阅读0次

上周收到德国客户马丁的邮件,说有事相求,原来是他买了一件T shirt,上面印有几个汉字,他穿着衣服上街时碰到中国人看着他的shirt笑,所以他觉得这几个汉字会不会意思比较古怪呢?因为一直很担心这件事,以至于他写了封邮件发到中国来询问,这位德国老人家跟这几个字较上真了。





Dear Martin,
I'm fine, thanks for your message.
Sorry recently I haven't seen this mailbox, so may be missed your email.
As you said that Rosenheim is in summer, suzhou also during it's high temperature summer days, always very hot outside. only in the morning or at nightfall the people want to go out for
runing or playing. the children favor to play in water park.
I have seen the Chinese character on your shirt, infact two characters is the traditional Chinese characters, seems similar as the means "harmony brings wealth", this is the idiom but the Characters seems not exactly the same words, but easy can understand the expression means, so I guess the people feels alittle strange, the Chinese idiom for similar means as below:
和 氣 生 財
和 氣means "harmony" , 生 means "bring", 財 means" wealth";
but the last word "財:always link with its verb"發”, and formed the term as "發財"means make the fortune, or make the wealth;
so may be characters on your shirt want to express the same means but words not exactly same with the idiom, even so, I guess most Chinese people can understand this kind and nice characters which teach the people be harmony to do things with others, this will bring good luck and bring wealth, just like that.
so please don't worry the meaning could be something odd. meaning is good only the characters not exactly same with the traditional idiom but with similar means.
also there's the simplified Chinese character of this idiom which seems more simple:”和气生财”, and also "發財”can be simple write as "发财" which seems more simple.
please kindly be noted, and Wish you a successful and lucky week.


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