The new port will undoubtedly boost local economy.
2008 年济州岛开始对中国公民面签后极大地刺激了当地的旅游业,就可以说:
That Jeju Island waived the visa for Chinese citizens in 2008 considerably boosted its tourism.
利物浦在连续输掉 3 场比赛后终于在主场赢得了比赛,极大地鼓舞了球队的士气,就可以说: After losing three matches in a row, Liverpool finally won a game at home, greatly boosting the team's morale/confidence.
最近《经济学人》在一则商业新闻中就用到了 boost, 后面接的是 sales:
Derided by some the company said the publicity had boosted sales of its other “iconic sausage rolls” and food.
《经济学人》在另一篇关于中国出国游的文章中再一次用到了 boost:
Take Egypt, which China sees as a regional hub of its Belt and Road Initiative—an effort to boost its influence through massive spending on infrastructure.
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