### 参数
Usage: ios-deploy [OPTION]…
-d, –debug 安装app后,在lldb调试环境唤起app
-i, –id <device_id> 设置要连接的设备id
-c, –detect 检测设备是否连接
-b, –bundle <bundle.app> 设置要安装的app budle
-a, –args <args> 启动app时传递的参数
-t, –timeout <timeout> 设置连接设备超时时间
-u, –unbuffered 不缓存stdout
-n, –nostart 调试时不唤起app
-I, –noninteractive 在非交互模式启动 (app异常退出时退出调试)
-L, –justlaunch 启动app并关闭lldb调试
-v, –verbose enable verbose output
-m, –noinstall 不安装app直接启动调试 (-d not required)
-p, –port <number> 指定设备端口, default: dynamic
-r, –uninstall 安装时先卸载老的app(do not use with -m; app cache and data are cleared)
-9, –uninstall_only 仅仅卸载app. 仅仅和 -1 <bundle_id>搭配使用。
-1, –bundle_id <bundle id> 指定bundle id
-l, –list 列出所有文件
-o, –upload <file> 上传指定文件
-w, –download 下载app tree
-2, –to <target pathname> use together with up/download file/tree. specify target
-D, –mkdir <dir> 在设备上创建文件
-R, –rm <path> 移除设备上的文件/目录 (目录一定为空时)
-V, –version 打印执行文件版本
-e, –exists 检查指定的bundle id是否安装
-B, –list_bundle_id 列出所有安装的bundle id
-W, –no-wifi ignore wifi devices
### 使用示例
// deploy and debug your app to a connected device
ios-deploy –debug –bundle my.app
// deploy and debug your app to a connected device, skipping any wi-fi connection (use USB)
ios-deploy –debug –bundle my.app –no-wifi
// deploy and launch your app to a connected device, but quit the debugger after
ios-deploy –justlaunch –debug –bundle my.app
// deploy and launch your app to a connected device, quit when app crashes or exits
ios-deploy –noninteractive –debug –bundle my.app
// Upload a file to your app’s Documents folder
ios-deploy –bundle_id ‘bundle.id’ –upload test.txt –to Documents/test.txt
// Download your app’s Documents, Library and tmp folders
ios-deploy –bundle_id ‘bundle.id’ –download –to MyDestinationFolder
// List the contents of your app’s Documents, Library and tmp folders
ios-deploy –bundle_id ‘bundle.id’ –list
// deploy and debug your app to a connected device, uninstall the app first
ios-deploy –uninstall –debug –bundle my.app
// check whether an app by bundle id exists on the device (check return code `echo $?`)
ios-deploy –exists –bundle_id com.apple.mobilemail
// Download the Documents directory of the app *only*
ios-deploy –download=/Documents –bundle_id my.app.id –to ./my_download_location
// List ids and names of connected devices
ios-deploy -c
// Uninstall an app
ios-deploy –uninstall_only –bundle_id my.bundle.id
// list all bundle ids of all apps on your device
ios-deploy –list_bundle_id