Basic Git Workflow(Git工作流初探)
- git三大部分

- 编辑一份文件,名为scene-1.txt

- 查看当前工作目录

- 将当前工作目录变为Git项目

- check the status of the changes
untracked files说明Git已经检测到文件,但是Git尚未开始追踪变化(Git sees the file but has not started tracking changes yet)

- 将文件加入到git的staging area

- 查看添加之后的状态

- 比较改动后的文件差异
在scene-1.txt文件上略作改动,并用git diff scene-1.txt看Staging Area上该文件和Working Directory上的差异
注意,此时对文件的改动是在Working Directory上的,如果没有使用git add filename的话,改动的文件不会上传到staging area

- 使用git commit将文件提交到Repository

使用git log查看提交记录
橘黄色的40字节的编码(40-character code)是SHA码,即本次提交的指纹码
**How to Backtrack(如何撤销更改) **
编辑一下scene-5.txt文件,git commit之后使用git show HEAD命令查看当前头节点
使用git checkout HEAD scene-5.txt使文件恢复成服务器上的版本
此时,你并没有把在本地工作目录上改动的文件提交到Staging Area或者Repository,如果你想要丢弃改动
使用git checkout HEAD filename,其效果等同于Android Studio中revert
- 使用git add filename1 filename2增加多个文件到Staging Area
在scene-3.txt以及scene-7.txt两个文件进行改动,并且提交到Staging Area

- 使用git reset HEAD filename将指定的文件从Staging Area中移除
此时,scene-3.txt以及scene-7.txt文件已经提交到了Staging Area中,故意在scene-2.txt文件上做一些改动,然后将scene-2.txt文件add到Staging Area中,此时如果想要还原scene-2.txt的提交,使用git reset HEAD scene-2.txt

- 重新设置提交节点

现在想要还原提交至指纹码首6位为8f18e6的节点,使用git reset 8f18e6重设节点,重设节点之后,scene-3.txt以及scene-7.txt上的改名变成了unstaged changes


Git Branching(Git分支)
- 使用git branch查看当前所在分支

- 使用git branch fencing创建一个名为“fencing”的新分支

- 使用git checkout fencing切换到fencing分支

- 合并fencing分支到master分支
先通过git checkout master切换到master分支,然后通过git merge fencing,将fencing分支以fast forward方式合并到master分支

- 当merge conflict发生时的处理
比如说在master的resume.txt文件上改动了第30行并且最终commit到Repository上,而后又切换到了fencing分支,并且在resume.txt文件的同一行进行了改动,然后commit到Repository上,此时再切换回master分支,使用git merge fencing命令,会出现如下结果:


- 使用git branch -d fencing删除fencing分支

Git Teamwork(Git协同工作)
- 使用git clone remote_location clone_name
使用git clone science-quizzes my-quizzes将remote上的science-quizzes文件夹克隆到本地,并且命名为my-quizzes

- 使用git remote -v查看已经存在的远程分支

- 使用git fetch查看远程分支上的改动

- 使用git merge origin/master将远程分支上的更新同步到本地

- 多人协作基本流程

git init:creates a new Git repository
git status:inspects the contents of the working directory and staging area
git add:adds files from the working directory to the staging area
git diff:shows the difference between the working directory and the staging area
git commit:permanently stores file changes from the staging area in the repository
git log:shows a list of all previous commits
git show HEAD:shows the last commit
git checkout HEAD filename:Discards changes in the working directory
git reset HEAD filename:Unstages file changes in the staging area
git reset SHA:Can be used to reset to a previous commit in your commit history.
git branch:Lists all a Git project's branches.
git branch new_branch_name:Creates a new branch.
git checkout branch_name:Used to switch from one branch to another.
git merge branch_name:Used to join file changes from one branch to another.
git branch -d branch_name:Deletes the branch specified.
git clone:Creates a local copy of a remote.
git remote -v:Lists a Git project's remotes.
git fetch:Fetches work from the remote into the local copy.
git merge origin/master:Merges origin/master into your local branch.
git push origin <branch_name>:Pushes a local branch to the origin remote.
Why did my Git repo enter a detached HEAD state?
git 查看远程分支、本地分支、删除本地分支
Git之detached HEAD
git checkout之一 HEAD基本和detached 状态