

作者: 新心断点 | 来源:发表于2018-03-28 21:20 被阅读0次

    Thumbs down: Facebook

    ① Once touted as a future American president, today Mark Zuckerberg must prove he is capable of leading a scandal-plagued firm, after data from 50m users ended up, in dubious ways, in the hands of Cambridge Analytica, a research outfit.

    ② Consumers are waking up to the dangers of handing over data to behemoths run like black boxes.

    ③ The latest episode fits an established pattern of sloppiness towards privacy and reluctance to admit mistakes.

    ④ The chances of a regulatory backlash are growing.

    ⑤ Mr Zuckerberg has promised to audit some apps and restrict developers' access to data.

    ⑥ But he needs to rebuild trust by committing to an independent review of Facebook's conduct and approach to data, and the firm needs to prepare for a future in which consumers own, control and are compensated for their data.

    ⑦ That might be the only way to stop Facebook ending up as a heavily regulated utility with its returns on capital capped.


    thumbs down: 反对

    thumbs up: 支持

    tout /taʊt/: vt. 吹捧;鼓吹;宣传

    scandal /ˈskand(ə)l/: n. 丑闻

    plague /pleɪɡ/: vt. 纠缠;困扰 n. 瘟疫

    end up + v-ing/adj./n./as: 最终……

    dubious /ˈdjuːbɪəs/: adj. 可疑的

    wake up to: 意识到

    behemoth /bɪˈhiːmɒθ/: n. 巨头;庞然大物

    fit a(n) … pattern: 符合……模式/套路

    sloppiness /ˈslɒpɪnəs/: n. 马虎

    reluctance /rɪˈlʌkt(ə)ns/: n. 不情愿

    regulatory /ˌreɡ.jəˈleɪ.tər.i/: adj. 监管的

    backlash /ˈbaklaʃ/: n. 强烈反击

    audit /ˈɔːdɪt/: vt. 审查;审计;旁听(课程)

    inspect /ɪnˈspɛkt/: vt. 审查;检查

    conduct /ˈkɒndʌkt/: n.(企业的)管理模式;(个人的)行为举止

    code of conduct: 行为准则

    cap /kap/: vt./n. 限制



