Breakthrough Advertising 中文翻译

Breakthrough Advertising 中文翻译

作者: King_H | 来源:发表于2020-12-10 15:05 被阅读0次



    This is not a book just for copywriters and other advertising experts but a book for every business owner, marketing expert or anyone who needs to increase sales.
    The reason why is because it deals with how to channel the forces in the marketplace which control sales.
    Put simply, Gene’s book addresses the universal problem of all copywriting: 
    How to write a headline — and an ad that follows it — that will open up a whole new market.


    Welcome to the most sought after direct marketing masterpiece. This book was recently selling for over $ 900 dollars used – so I decided to re-issue it. It is a real privilege to bring Gene Schwartz’s advertising wisdom back into print. We built a wonderful business based on his wisdom.
    He was a special delight and a treat to know – Gene was 6’2’’ and reminded me of Gary Cooper in The Fountainhead. But Gene had much more charm and wit and a fabulous, unforgettable smile.
    Exciting sight-watching the multi-talented genius’s fingers flying over the keyboard creating another brilliant ad. And then he’d sit back with that great smile, read it over and enjoy it more and more.
    Gene wrote advertising copy for the best direct marketers in America. And then he published a book in 1964 titled How to Double Your Child’s Grades in School, following up with How to Double Your Power to Learn and then Breakthrough Advertising in 1996.
    He was very clever-he exchanged his copywriting for access to mailing list names and promoted his own books to them!
    But then Gene had a stroke in 1978 and he had trouble typing… for it affected his right side. But he worked and worked until he became quite proficient typing with just his left hand.
    My big idea-Retain Gene as a business consultant instead of a copywriter to guarantee him a regular income. He became very important to us in that new role. He helped very much in the creation of the Bottom Line/Personal concept and of our editorial style. Awesome.
    Then there was Gene 111, the scientist, always reading the leading-edge science books and belonging to a very sophisticated group that met weekly to discuss the implications of those scientific advances on society.
    Finally, there was Gene IV – an amazing talent as an art collector, together with his wife Barbara, a famous interior designer. They built a fabulous art collection betting on Hans Hofmann, Morris Louis, Frank Stella, Donald judd and Milton Avery well before anyone else had heard of them. Their first acquisition was by the color-pioneer Hans Hofmann. It tool me years to appreciate Hofmann’s work. Barbara also helped me build an incredible collection of photographs that are now at the Art Institute of Chicago. On my first gallery tour with them - I discovered a crumpled photo by the Starn twins that had two words on it Confusion/Order. That is what I’m devoted to-bringing order from confusion. So Barbara and I built a very exciting Lessons in Life collection. I was her first art advisory client. And it is with her generous permission that we bring Gene’s classic book back into the world.
    Martin Edelston
    Founder and President, Boardroom Lnc.
    Publisher of Bottom Line/Personal
    January 2004 >


    欢迎阅读这本最抢手的行业直销杰作。它的二手书一度炒至900多美元的售价,所以我决定再版本书。此次能将Gene Schwartz的营销智慧再次付梓,真的十分荣幸。在他的教诲下,我们建立了十分出色的商业业务。(【付梓 fù zǐ】:古时用木板印刷,在木板上刻字叫梓,因此把稿件交付刊印叫付梓)
    Gene他身高6.2英尺,为人热心温暖,常常让我联想到《源泉(The Fountainhead)》电影中的Gary Cooper。但他的魅力和智慧是常人难以企及的,尤其是他那让人一见难忘的笑容。
    Gene为全美最好的直销商写过广告文案。1964年出版《How to Double Your Child's Grades in School》, 接着是《How to Double Your Power to Learn 》, 以及1996年出版的这本《Breakthrough Advertising》。
    他十分聪明 - 用自己写的文案交换邮寄清单的使用权,向清单里的人推销自己的书。
    我大致思路是:保留他作为商业顾问的身份而不是一个文案撰稿人,这样确保他稳定的收入。在转变这个新角色后,他成为我们中最重要的一部分。他在 Bottom Line(盈亏)/Personal (私产)概念和编辑风格上的创新帮了我们大忙,棒!
    最后,进入了Gene人生第四个阶段,他和他的妻子芭芭拉——一名著名的室内设计师,一起成为天赋异禀的艺术收藏家,他们建立了一个传奇般的艺术品拍卖行,拍卖汉斯·霍夫曼、莫里斯·路易斯、弗兰克·斯特拉、唐纳德·贾德和米尔顿·艾弗里的作品。在那之前很少有人知道这些人的名声。他们的第一件藏品来自于色彩风格激进的抽象画家汉斯·霍夫曼。很多年后我才能欣赏他的作品。芭芭拉也帮我收藏了很多难以置信的摄影作品,现在它们在芝加哥的博物馆里。我第一次和他们一起参观画廊的时候,发现了一张Stam的褶皱的作品,图里有两个单词:混乱/秩序。这就是我一直所致力于的——从混乱中带来秩序。因此,芭芭拉和我一起建造了一个非常令人激动的作品收藏集“Lessons in life collection”。我作为她的第一个艺术顾问客户,正是在她的慷慨无私的许可下,才使得Gene的经典著作再次面世。
    Bottom Line/Personal的出版者
    2004 年 1 月



          本文标题:Breakthrough Advertising 中文翻译
