腓立比书 3:1-21;
唱诗:赞美诗 48:4
我只有一件事,就是忘记背后努力面前的,向着……(腓 3:13)
我们可能会说,“我可以原谅,但不能忘记。” 当然,有些确实是这样,谁能忘记那些极度糟糕的事情呢?
January 12
Philippians 3:1-21
Song: Hymn 48:4
But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on... (Philippians 3:13)
One of the most difficult things in life is to forget. I do not mean occasional absentmindedness, forgetting an event or a grocery list, or the senility that can set in as we get older. What I mean is that we find it very hard to forgive and to carry on with someone as before.
We might say, "I can forgive, but I can't forget." There is, of course, some truth to that. Who can forget some of the extreme abuses that have been suffered in life?
When Paul writes about forgetting what is behind, he means his former way of life as a Jew and Pharisee. He is referring to the man-centered way of salvation that he had been taught. Indeed, it is hard to set aside beliefs learned from youth on that were eagerly and ardently embraced at one time.
But that is behind Paul. He is now pressing on to receive what he has in Christ, out of grace and by faith. His former life as a Pharisee has been completely abandoned. There is no falling back to a former road en route.
The apostle never forgets that he once furiously persecuted the church. He is deeply ashamed of his sin. But Paul does not dwell on the past.
Forgetting is not just putting something out of our mind. Being a Christian means a radical breaking with a past, sinful life. This is hard work but the in-dwelling of the Holy Sprit can do it. It also means straining forward and pressing on to receive what has been given in Christ. Let us not get stuck in the past but consciously press on to the great goal of glory.
Question: What do you think of the expression "I can forgive, but I can't forget"? Is there a situation in your life that requires "forgetting"?