总结 9月30日

总结 9月30日

作者: 玩英语 | 来源:发表于2016-09-30 17:29 被阅读26次

早上班车路上复习了CNN student News September 21st and 22nd. 周围有杂音,加上昨晚睡眠不足,注意力不够集中,有些细微之处难以辨别。新闻播音员的语速好快,不过智能机真是方便,播放器还可以变速播放,实在听不出来的地方我就降为0.8倍速听,效果好多了,还能用上欧陆词典,随时随地都可以移动学习。

CNN student News September 22nd

It's a convention that the news consists of 4 parts, the last one usually is to entertain you .

Part one a black guy was shot

A black guy, African-american , was shot by an officer , the chief declaimed they found him when they pursued a guy looting the store , they discovered that he had gun in his hand . The suspect's father didn't buy the Chief's declaimation , he claimed that his son was waiting in his daughter to come home after school , and he wanted the federal to take a full investigation.

The narrator took another example similar with this one  in Oklahoma, another black dude was shot by local officer , his family said that he was waiting for the service after his car broke down , the office found that dude behaving stranger , they discovered medicine PcP, no weapon . The victim's parents wanted to sue the officer , because they douted that their son was intoxicated, it was not appropriate for the office to use deadly force . This even stimulates the protest on the street, does this event mirror the discrimination in the USA?

Part two the presidential election in Philly

Trump's team count on the enthusiasm , his volunteer invested their energy to the people that don't favor one party over the other , take door by door persuasion. Trump promised the child care initiative project . That appeal to the suburb mother , philly was the last two state of election . Halliry seeked to get the surpport of the young people, she promised that each desicion she made will give the young man a seat. The experts predicted that trump will win this state , but the powerful Halliry's surrogate, presnt president Obama , did make a compelling speech for his political sister.

Part three

Chracter hero

It's about a chef in North Carolina, she leaded a special project, including two fronts , the first is the people they serve , low earning who face serious disease , and the second is the people who serve them , the young people from the community. She and other professionals chefs taught the young people to cook tasty and healthy food for the poor people, because the disease usually make the patient feel complicated , the food will come to the bottom of the list, but it is critical important.

When the food was cooked, they would be packaged , the delivery angel will send them to the clients . The patient expressed their gratitude directly when they pay a visit to the kithen, that will shape the young to see themselves , a girl think it is awesome, she dreamed to do something to help and heal them.

Part four

Monowheel, a cool motorized transportation tool .

白天完成了Guns, germs and steel 全书阅读。


锻炼 完成

儿歌 60%

高效能  80%

Guns 50%




      本文标题:总结 9月30日
