

作者: 兰海粟 | 来源:发表于2021-05-05 15:07 被阅读0次

      In this holiday, I read the book:< boy penrod troubles>, it was a famous book in America, and I read it from 134-184 page, and I will tell you what contend these page have.

      Penrod had one dollar from a friend he have,so he buy one organ and some food to eat,and gave some money to the girl he like most Little brother:Mikey ,but,when he eat the food he buy,he had a indigestion than,and it is a very big indigestion,so penrod stay at home for three days .and when he was all right.he find out that that girls brother eat the money he gave him,and had a very big illness, even called Manny doctor, so that girl he like most didn’t talk to him and even didn’t see him at a week .

      After that,Penrod meet a Big guy name rupe,rupe was very like to punished other people,seems very bad guy.but Penrod Ithink the thing that rupe do was very cool,so at the next week,Penrod Let his behavior just like rupe,so Lost some friend.And after his another friend verman let rupe scare and run of.so penrod think rupe was not cool,and begin learn his behavior like himself.

      penrod didn’t like anyone called him little gentleman,but because of one person’s joke,Manny his best friend,even the girl he like most think penrod like other one to call him little Gentlemen,so they do that to penrod,Penrod was very very angry,so he fight with his friend.

      That’s are in the page I read.


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