on the job market (用on)
break something down: 1. demolish a door or other barrier. "they had to get the police to break the door down" 2. separate something into parts. "each tutorial is broken down into more manageable units"
jackhammer: a portable pneumatic hammer or drill.
alpha male: 1. the dominant male animal in a particular group. "two of them trotted over to greet the alpha male, a black wolf with a graying muzzle" 2. a man tending to assume a dominant or domineering role in social or professional situations. "two alpha males constantly competing to be the best"
on the horizon: just imminent or becoming apparent. "trouble could be on the horizon"
for the time being: for the present; until some other arrangement is made.
It took forever to (do something) "Forever" is a common exaggeration that means "a long time". One way to use this is when you're complaining about how long something is takes: It took forever to convince him to come out with us.
Thought you'd get a kick out of it: The idiom 'to get a kick out of something' basically means to enjoy something very much. In this idiom, you could replace the word 'kick' with charge and say to get a charge out of something. They mean the same. If you do something that gives you a thrill, it means you get a kick out of it.
Top won't go up (敞篷车)的顶升不上来
sabbatical :a period of paid leave granted to a university teacher or other worker for study or travel, traditionally one year for every seven years worked. "she's away on sabbatical" (这是一个名词)
peso: the basic monetary unit of Mexico, several other Latin American countries, and the Philippines, equal to 100 centésimos in Uruguay and 100 centavos elsewhere.
shout from the rooftops. Announce publicly, as in Just because I won first prize you needn't shout it from the rooftops. This term alludes to climbing on a roof so as to be heard by more people. (剧里用的是shout it from the mountain tops,应该是差不多的意思)
shut the hell up: to shut up, i.e. stop talking.
turnover: the rate at which employees leave a workforce and are replaced. (我不确定剧里是什么意思)
"Addition by Subtraction" is a phrase used by coaches to mean that sometimes your team can get better not by adding more talent, but by shedding some people or practices that are interfering with or inhibiting your success. (用减法做加法)
lift (one's) spirits: To make one feel happier or more carefree. The purpose of this charity is to lift children's spirits this holiday season. I love my roommate. No matter what mood I'm in, he is always able to lift my spirits.
TGI: Thank God It's. The abbreviation TGI is used with the meaning "Thank God It's […]! " as an exclamation of relief or delight. TGI probably originated in 1965, when the first T.G.I. Friday restaurant opened in New York. Since then TGI has been widely used, both in speech and in text-based conversation.
transpire: occur; happen. "I'm going to find out exactly what transpired" "certain event has transpired"
right on: used as an expression of strong support, approval, or encouragement.
creep someone out: give someone an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease. "an anonymous note like that would creep me out"
bidness: Eye dialect spelling of business.
Eye dialect: 眼睛方言是使用非标准的语音拼写来引起对发音的注意。这个词是乔治·菲利普·克拉普(George Philip Krapp)创造的,指的是使用非标准拼写的文学技巧,暗示给定单词的发音实际上是标准的,例如妇女的wimmin;等等。拼写表示角色的语音总体上是方言,外来语或未受过教育的。
all up in somebody's business: (Noun) getting involved in something that is really not of your concern. Usage: "You really should think about it before you do that!" "Why you gotta be all up in my business?!
chihuahua: a small dog of a smooth-haired, large-eyed breed originating in Mexico.
rod: 1. a thin straight bar, especially of wood or metal. 2. a fishing rod.
party pooper: a person who throws gloom over social enjoyment. "I hate to be a party pooper, but I've got to catch the last train"
A sportscaster is a radio or television broadcaster who describes or comments on sporting events.
pull a prank on somebody
snow tires: a tire with a tread which gives extra traction on snow or ice.
on this matter=in this matter
Blowing a raspberry: 吹覆盆子,草莓或使布朗克斯欢呼,是发出类似于肠胃气胀的声音,可能表示虚假或虚假。它也可以用于儿童的音素游戏,既可以由儿童单独使用,也可以由成年人模仿儿童使用,以鼓励模仿双方的喜好。它的制作方法是将舌头放在嘴唇之间,或者将嘴唇靠在皮肤的任何部位,然后吹气。当对另一个人的皮肤进行操作时,它通常是一种发痒的形式。"give a raspberry on my tummy"
alibi: a claim or piece of evidence that one was elsewhere when an act, typically a criminal one, is alleged to have taken place. "she has an alibi for the whole of yesterday evening"
brain broke: When you're so mentally overwhelmed at the moment that no new information can get in and no intelligent words can get out. Like drawing a blank except you can't even recognize the question. Not to be confused with being medically confused.
fiesta: 1. (in Spanish-speaking regions) a religious festival. "the yearly fiesta of San Juan" 2. an event marked by festivities or celebration. "a balloon fiesta"