2017.3.11Day 2
One I will, I won't, I want: what willpower is and why it matters
1 I have trouble saying no when my mouth, stomach, heart, or (fill in your anatomicl part ) wants to say yes.
anatomical adj 结构(上) 的,解剖的
近义词 physical body
词组 anatomical lens/lectures/pathology
例句 While most scientists agree that brains contain varying mixtures of male and female anatomical traits.
仿句 I am very interested in anatomical pathology.
2 You are a top-of-the-line homo sapiens of the most recently evolved variety.
homo sapiens n 智人(现代人的学名)
the only surviving hominid; species to which modern man belongs; bipedal primate having language and ability to make and use complex tools; brain volume at least 1400 cc
近义词 human being
例句 And crucially, like polio, smallpox had only one animal host : Homo sapiens.
仿句 I have known the meaning of homo sapiens.
3 But you live in a closely knit tribe and depend on other homo sapiens for your survival.
vi. 编织;结合;皱眉
vt. 编织;结合
n. 编织衣物;编织物
1. a close-knit community.
2. a close-knit family.
knit 在此的用法,非常形象,第一次注意到这个用法
Technology has made it easier to build tightly knit fan communities.
仿句 Lily has a close-knit family.
And if you are lucky enough to find a mate, you are now expected to bound for life , not just frolic once behind a bush.
vi. 嬉戏
n. 无忧无虑的快乐时光
[n.] diversion, recreation
[v.] play
Frolics of the Five Animals 五禽戏
They had a frolic in the country.
仿句 I prefer to frolic in the garden.
5 The answer appears to be the development of the prefrontal cortex , a nice chunck of neural real estate right behind your forehead and eyes.
prefrontal cortex 百科参考
前额叶皮质(prefrontal cortex, PFC)是额叶的前部,运动皮层和运动前区皮层的前方。按照细胞结构学来讲,脑前额叶外皮通过第四层大脑皮质而被定义存在。运动前区皮层可以通过几种方法来分,其中一种把它分为: 前额脑区底部和腹内侧前额皮层; 背外侧区; 前和腹侧扣带皮层。
The part of the brain most affected by early stress is the prefrontal cortex, which is critical for regulating thoughts and mediating behaviour.
仿句 The concept of prefontal cortex for me is a little contract.
Good sentences
1 "I will" and "I won't" power are the two sides of self-control, but they alone don't constitute willpower .To say no when you need to say no, and yes when you need to say yes, you need a third power : the ability to remember what you really want.
To exert self-control , you need to find your motivation when it matters. This is "I want " power.
读到此处,我基本可以了解作者所说的I will, I won't , I want 的基本含义,作者用词简单,精炼,说理清晰明了,可见作者逻辑思维特别好。要好好借鉴学习,让自己的文章也可以表达清晰流畅,具有逻辑性。
2 We have willpower : the ability to control the impulses that helped us become fully human.不能再赞了,下文中有更具体的对意志力的重要作用的阐述。对于我来说,拖延症,抵制不住诱惑力,缺少毅力,真的是典型的反面教材。所以读此句感触颇深,我要改变自己,从此刻开始。
Firstly, I want to thank this book, it opens a magic door for me. For many years , I have struggled with temptation, procrastination.
This book just guids and enlightens me and changes the way of my thinking .To be honest, it is like a bible for me.I appreciate the authors' expression style and recognize the importance of willpower. I will take the book's advice and put it into action.Because I want to better control myself and become a full man.