04 建立生活相关句库

04 建立生活相关句库

作者: 探花_529b | 来源:发表于2019-03-07 10:56 被阅读0次

    get up around 7:00 am 通常7:00起床
    set alarm to go off at 6:50 设置闹钟为6:50
    the alarm clock went off 闹钟响了
    too jarring 太吵了
    It's time to get up 该起床了
    get up right away 马上起床
    I'm still sleepy 我还是很困
    slept like a baby 睡得真香
    had a bad dream 做了一个噩梦
    get up and quickly get dressed 起床,快点穿好衣服
    hit the snooze button to sleep another 10 minutes 按一下贪睡按钮再睡10分钟
    I'm night owl, not an early bird 我是夜猫子,不是早起鸟
    When I get up, the first thing I do is to drink water 起床后,第一件事就是喝水

    oral hygiene 口腔卫生
    keep my mouth free of disease 保持口腔不生病
    brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush 用电动牙刷刷牙
    rinsing my mouth 漱口
    brush my teeth 刷牙
    multi-benefit toothpaste 多效牙膏
    remove bad breath 消除口气

    lather up with shower gel 擦沐浴露
    shampoo and conditioner 洗发水和护发素
    put some shampoo in my hair 往头上放一些洗发水
    wash my hair every day 天天洗头
    rinse and dry off 冲洗擦干
    dry off with a bath towel 用浴巾擦干
    mop the floor 拖地


    方案还不够完善,会不断完善中,最后更新: 2019-03-07



        本文标题:04 建立生活相关句库
