1.7 口试

1.7 口试

作者: 风云笑 | 来源:发表于2017-01-07 19:50 被阅读0次

今天一直在忙于纠音师的口试选拔,所以没有时间去学习音标和effortless english。



Hello good afternoon. It’s really a great honor to have this chance to introduce myself. When I was in middle school, I fell in love with a pretty girl. She was very good at English. Love me, love my dog. As you see, I fell in love with English at the same time. So I gave myself an English name. My name is Andrew. I live in Xiangtan, Hunan province. I graduated from college, four years ago. And I passed BEC two years ago. I have lots of interests, such as reading, riding bicycle, singing and so on. But I like English best among all my hobbies. Even though my girl has left me for a long time. My English learning will go on. I think that's why I come here. Thank you!


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Free talk: health

When I was five years old, I suffered from a very serious blood disease. This disease almost beat me to death. Sometimes it attacked me with high fever, sometimes it caused me to vomit terribly. But the most horrible thing is that The blood in my body was becoming less and less. With the blood disappearing from my body, my life was weakening and the death was coming near. As a result, I needed new blood to be imported into my body every month. That was a cruel situation. All the local doctors had given up their hopes. They couldn't bring me back to health. But my parents never gave up their hopes, and They saw me through this deadly disease, and all their loves had been given to me . They searched all over the country for the doctors who could Cure me completely. Where there's a will, there's a way. At last, we found the right doctor to cure me and I was brought back to health.

From then on, I learned that although health didn't come to me easily, my parents’love and hopes never left me for a second. I am not a doctor, and I don't know how to deal with healthy problems, especially deadly one But if you were stumbled by serious, deadly health problems, I just wanna tell you, Hold on your loves and never give up your hopes.


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