第四百零九封信(I miss you)

第四百零九封信(I miss you)

作者: 居无所处 | 来源:发表于2019-06-05 20:26 被阅读0次





  第一次听到这首歌还是去年暑假,当时看《非自然死亡》,也曾为止痛哭。一同去DC时,制片人的手机随机播放到了这首歌;senior screening结束后,剧组一同去KTV时,我也点了这首歌,并唱了一小段,而他就站在电视旁,惊讶于自己也会唱部分的歌词,跟着我一起小声地唱。每一次的心情都如此不同,令我为之惊讶,唱到最后一句,时至今日你仍然是我的光芒,彼时的我,究竟在想什么呢?我想,或者我希望,我一定是看着他,满怀爱意地唱出这句话的。我们不得不错过,但是幸好,我也曾意外表达过自己的心意,希望他收到了这一份心意。

  睡前写了一首诗,刚刚继续修改了一下,贴在下面,诗名为I MISS YOU:

I once dreamt that we met somewhere, sometime

I was walking among people, countless, faceless

Lost and scared, looking for you

And I passed you without knowing

Until you called me, then I see you

I was crying so hard, and rushing to hug

And my tears dropped like they never belonged 

'I thought I could never meet you anymore.'

My heart whispered for me for I could not say it out loud

When will we meet each other again?

Deep in my heart, I know we probably won't

The world is to big for two individuals once departed

Promise is for one particular future and I stand alone in the forking path without you

I know, we will never meet each other again

A farewell is still a goodbye though it sounds promising

You said if you ever in China and Japan, you will hit me up. And we will just meet up, have a meal and pick up where we left off

I am afraid that you won't come back to China or ever visit Japan

I am afraid that you won't contact me even if you do come

I am afraid that we won't be able to pick up where we left because we already missed each other

Now I understand how I miss you but I just missed you

The timing is passed and we shall not retrieve

I am going back to the start, Coldplay ended The Scientist

I wish I could build a time travel machine

But I know it so well that I couldn't


  六月四日 二零一九年



      本文标题:第四百零九封信(I miss you)
