8.30 批判性思维复习3 week 3

8.30 批判性思维复习3 week 3

作者: 原周律 | 来源:发表于2016-08-30 22:23 被阅读101次
    图片选自“设计宝”  作者:茶呗

    1.Definition of Strategy

    Strategic planning is inextricably interwoven into the entire fabric of management: it is not something separate and distinct from the process of management.(策略计划已经不可避免地融合进了管理中,他不是那些可以从管理步骤中分离出来的东西。)

    Further the following dimensions incorporate company’s strategy:(以下要点组成了公司的策略)

    ·Strategy is that which top management does that is of great importance to the organization;(策略是高层管理人员指定的,会对组织产生重大影响的)

    ·Strategy refers to the basic directional decisions, that is, purpose and missions;(策略指的是最基础的方向性的决定,也就是说目标和任务(个人意见:一个好的公司是不是应该是员工会给自己设定目标和任务,然后帮助公司发展))

    ·Strategy is the important actions necessary to realize the purpose and mission;(策略中最重要的行动是让大家意识到目标和任务的必要性)

    ·Should answer the question: What the organization is doing? (组织是做啥的?)

    ·Should define What are the ends we seek and how should we achieve them(确定我们最终追寻的是什么?以及我们如何达成它?)

    2.Strategic Management——3 major steps三个主要步骤:

    Strategy analysis;strategy choice; strategy implementation

    3.Strategic Analysis: Models

    ·PESTEL Analysis


    A PESTEL analysis is a framework or tool used by marketers to analyse and monitor the macro-environmental factors that have an impact on an organisation. The results can be used to identify threats and opportunities in a SWOT analysis.(PESTEL分析是一个用来分析和监控公司的微观外部环境的工具。其结果可以被用来定义SWOT分析中的威胁threats和机会opportunities)

    –The purpose of PESTEL analysis is to identify issues that fit two criteria:(PESTEL的目标是定义一下两个问题)

    i.The issues are outside the control of the organisation,(PESTEL研究的问题是公司无法控制的外部环境的影响因素)

    ii.The issues will potentially have a favorable or unfavorable impact on the organisation(而这些影响因素会或好或坏的影响公司的运行)


    i.Brainstorm issues头脑风暴可能出现的问题(这里就是要用PESTEL的6个点了,后面会列举)

    ii.Identify issues应该是每个点确定几个重要的问题

    iii.Rate importance对问题的重要性打分(如果按照项目管理来说就是1-5分打分,估计这里也差不多)

    iv.Assess likelihood对发生的可能性进行打分(项目管理里面也是1-5打分)

    v.Consider implications重要性分析就是把前面两个打得分相乘会得到一个分数,分数越大,越重要!

    –PESTEL model的6个点


    Bureaucracy(官僚主义);Corruption level(腐败程度);Tax policy (rates and incentives);Government involvement in trade unions and agreements;Consumer;protection(消费者保护意识);Regulation/de-regulation(政府管理程度);Free Trade Agreements(自由贸易协议);Import restrictions (quality and quantity)(进出口严格程度);Tariffs(关税);Competition regulation(竞争规则)


    Growth rates (eg. Gross Domestic Product)(GDP);Inflation rate (Consumer Price Index)(通胀率);Interest rates (official rate set by the Reserve Bank of Australia)(利率);Foreign exchange rates(汇率);Unemployment trends(失业率);Labour costs(劳工工资);Stock market trends(证券市场趋势)


    Education level(教育程度);Attitudes toward imported goods and services(对待进出口食物态度);Attitudes toward work, leisure, career and retirement(工作就业态度);Attitudes toward product quality(产品质量态度);Attitudes toward saving and investing(储蓄投资态度);Buying habits(消费习惯);Religion and beliefs(信仰宗教);Attitudes toward “green” or ecologic products(绿色产品态度);Attitudes toward and support for renewable energy(可再生能源态度);Population growth rate(人口增长率);Immigration and emigration rates(移民比率);Family size and structure(家庭大小与结构);Minorities(少数民族)


    Rate of technological change(科技改变率);Spending on research & development;Technology incentives;Legislation regarding technology;Technology level in your industry;Communication infrastructure;Access to newest technology;Internet infrastructure and penetration


    Weather;Climate change Laws regulating environment pollution;Air and water pollution;Attitudes toward “green” or ecological products;Endangered species;Attitudes toward and support for renewable energy


    Anti-trust laws;Discrimination laws;Copyright, patents / Intellectual property laws;Consumer protection and e-commerce;Employment laws;Health and safety laws;Environmental Laws;Data protection laws;Laws regulating environment pollution

    ·SWOT Analysis


    A SWOT analysis provides a ‘general summary of the Strengths and Weaknesses explored in analysis of strategic capabilities and the Opportunities and Threats explored in an analysis of the environment’(SWOT分析通过分析公司的优点和缺点来展现该策略的能力,并对机会和威胁分析来展现其外在环境)


    The aim of a SWOT analysis is to help you develop a strong business strategy by making sure you’ve considered all of your business’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats it faces in the marketplace.(其目的是为了帮助你通过周全地考虑公司自身的优缺点和其所在市场的机会和威胁,做出更好的商业策略,)


    ·INTERNAL: Strengths and Weaknesses

    ·EXTERNAL: Opportunities and Threats

    ·POSITIVE FACTORS: Strengths& Opportunities

    ·NEGATIVE FACTORS: Weaknesses& Threats


    i.Leverage and promote the positive factors(促进发展积极的方面)

    ii.Act and manage the negative factors(通过管理来控制消极的影响)

    iii.BUILD a Competitive Advantage position(尽量处在竞争的优势地位)



          本文标题:8.30 批判性思维复习3 week 3
