git commit (玩转提交)

git commit (玩转提交)

作者: 潘帅次元 | 来源:发表于2017-11-02 22:23 被阅读241次


    git checkout -b local_branch_name origin/master
    git add file_name1 file_name2 file_name3...
    git commit -m "my commit description"
    git push origin branch_name
    git checkout test_branch_name
    git pull origin test_branch_name
    git merge --no-ff local_branch_name
    ## maybe solve conflicts
    git push origin test_branch_name





    1. 添加修改有问题部分

    git add file_name1 file_name2 file_name3 ...

    1. 将撤回提交的SHA-1中的历史记录进行回退,效果是:commit_SHA1_string 之后的所有提交的修改都会撤回到暂存区,与刚add暂存的代码合并。

    git reset --soft commit_SHA1_string

    1. 将改变合并为一次提交

    git commit -m "my commit description"

    1. push到远程,需要添加一个-f或者--force 参数,表示强制提交

    git push origin -f local_branch_name


    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>

    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm> git checkout quoteOrder
    Switched to branch 'quoteOrder'
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm> git status
    On branch quoteOrder
    Changes not staged for commit:
    (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
    (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

    modified: t8t-prs-pqm-service/src/main/java/t8t/prs/pqm/service/call/MyProjectService.java
    modified: t8t-prs-pqm-service/src/main/java/t8t/prs/pqm/service/inner/DosageDetailInnerService.java
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm> git add .
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm> git status
    On branch quoteOrder
    Changes to be committed:
    (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

    modified: t8t-prs-pqm-service/src/main/java/t8t/prs/pqm/service/call/MyProjectService.java
    modified: t8t-prs-pqm-service/src/main/java/t8t/prs/pqm/service/inner/DosageDetailInnerService.java
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm> git commit -m "add method that create quote order items and it's dosage detail"
    [quoteOrder 2945dd6] filter invalid date
    2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm> git status
    On branch quoteOrder
    nothing to commit, working directory clean
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm> git log -3
    commit 2ad83cccde62db6d48ba09dc347272cb1b93c4f7
    Author: shuai.pan shuai.pan@corp.to8to.com
    Date: Thu Nov 2 21:00:10 2017 +0800

    add method that create quote order items and it's dosage detail

    commit 45e9f4ea0a1f7cb1ebdcf27887056c4708be1929
    Author: shuai.pan shuai.pan@corp.to8to.com
    Date: Thu Nov 2 20:59:05 2017 +0800

    add method that query unselect unstandard quote order items

    commit 8fa6c94a919ae22d2cd7aff86c123cbb33e20c6e
    Author: shuai.pan shuai.pan@corp.to8to.com
    Date: Wed Nov 1 13:53:35 2017 +0800

    change the project node type code of quote
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm> git reset --soft 45e9f4ea0a1f7cb1ebdcf27887056c4708be1929
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm> git commit -m "add method that query unselect unstandard quote order items"
    [quoteOrder 2945dd6] filter invalid date
    2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm> git log -3
    commit 45e9f4ea0a1f7cb1ebdcf27887056c4708be1929
    Author: shuai.pan shuai.pan@corp.to8to.com
    Date: Thu Nov 2 20:59:05 2017 +0800

    add method that query unselect unstandard quote order items

    commit 8fa6c94a919ae22d2cd7aff86c123cbb33e20c6e
    Author: shuai.pan shuai.pan@corp.to8to.com
    Date: Wed Nov 1 13:53:35 2017 +0800

    change the project node type code of quote

    commit 8fa6c94a919ae22d2cd7aff86c123cbb33e20c6e
    Author: shuai.pan shuai.pan@corp.to8to.com
    Date: Wed Nov 1 13:53:35 2017 +0800

    change the project node type code of quote


    1. 添加修改有问题部分

    git add file_name1 file_name2 file_name3 ...

    1. 补交操作(切记删除弹出编辑器的所有内容,然后保存,否则会多出一条的提交记录哦)

    git commit --amend


    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm> git add .
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm> git commit -m "add method that create quote order items and it's dosage detail"
    [opt-order 7b51000] add method that create quote order items and it's dosage detail
    7 files changed, 295 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
    create mode 100644 t8t-prs-pqm-service-api/src/main/java/t8t/prs/pqm/entity/dto/QuoteOrderItemSingleCreateDTO.java
    create mode 100644 t8t-prs-pqm-service/src/main/java/t8t/prs/pqm/model/QuoteOrderItemCreateMO.java
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm> git status
    On branch opt-order
    Changes not staged for commit:
    (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
    (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

    modified: t8t-prs-pqm-service/src/main/java/t8t/prs/pqm/service/QuoteOrderItemService.java

    no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm> git add .
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm> git log -3
    commit 2ad83cccde62db6d48ba09dc347272cb1b93c4f7
    Author: shuai.pan shuai.pan@corp.to8to.com
    Date: Thu Nov 2 21:00:10 2017 +0800

    add method that create quote order items and it's dosage detail

    commit 45e9f4ea0a1f7cb1ebdcf27887056c4708be1929
    Author: shuai.pan shuai.pan@corp.to8to.com
    Date: Thu Nov 2 20:59:05 2017 +0800

    add method that query unselect unstandard quote order items

    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm> git commit --amend
    Aborting commit due to empty commit message.
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm>
    PS D:\shuaipanCompanyData\git\t8t-prs-pqm> git log -4
    commit 2ad83cccde62db6d48ba09dc347272cb1b93c4f7
    Author: shuai.pan shuai.pan@corp.to8to.com
    Date: Thu Nov 2 21:00:10 2017 +0800

    add method that create quote order items and it's dosage detail

    commit 45e9f4ea0a1f7cb1ebdcf27887056c4708be1929
    Author: shuai.pan shuai.pan@corp.to8to.com
    Date: Thu Nov 2 20:59:05 2017 +0800

    add method that query unselect unstandard quote order items

    commit 8fa6c94a919ae22d2cd7aff86c123cbb33e20c6e
    Author: shuai.pan shuai.pan@corp.to8to.com
    Date: Wed Nov 1 13:53:35 2017 +0800

    change the project node type code of quote



          本文标题:git commit (玩转提交)
