css1 - Formatting model
| |
| margin (transparent) |
| _________________________________ |
| | | |
| | border | |
| | ___________________________ | |
| | | | | |
| | | padding | | |
| | | _____________________ | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | content | | | |
| | | |_____________________| | | |
| | |___________________________| | |
| |_________________________________| |
| element width |
| box width |
CSS1 assumes a simple box-oriented formatting model where each formatted element results in one or more rectangular boxes. (Elements that have a 'display' value of 'none' are not formatted and will therefore not result in a box.) All boxes have a core content area with optional surrounding padding, border and margin areas.
1.每一个渲染好的元素(element ),将会存在一个或多个矩形盒子当中(rectangular boxes)
The size of the margin, border and padding are set with the margin (5.5.1-5.5.5), padding (5.5.6-5.5.10), and border (5.5.11-5.5.22) properties respectively.
The padding area uses the same background as the element itself (set with the background properties (5.3.2-5.3.7)).
The color and style for the border is set with the border properties.
The margins are always transparent, so the parent element will shine through.
The size of the box is the sum of the element width (i.e. formatted text or image) and the padding, the border and the margin areas.
From the formatter's point of view there are two main types of elements: block-level and inline.
7.size width = element width(content) + padding + border + margin
1.Block-level elements - 块级元素
Elements with a 'display' value of 'block' or 'list-item' are block-level elements. Also, floating elements (elements with a 'float' value other than 'none') are considered to be block-level elements.
- display=block
- display=list-item
- display!=none float
The following example shows how margins and padding format a 'UL' element with two children. To simplify the diagram there are no borders. Also, the single-letter "constants" in this example are not legal CSS1 syntax, but is a convenient way to tie the style sheet values to the figure.
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
UL {
background: red;
margin: A B C D;
padding: E F G H;
LI {
color: white;
background: blue; /* so text is white on blue */
margin: a b c d;
padding: e f g h;
<LI>1st element of list
<LI>2nd element of list
| |
| A UL margin (transparent) |
| _______________________________________________ |
| D | | B |
| | E UL padding (red) | |
| | _______________________________________ | |
| | H | | F | |
| | | a LI margin (transparent, | | |
| | | so red shines through) | | |
| | | _______________________________ | | |
| | | d | | b | | |
| | | | e LI padding (blue) | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | h 1st element of list f | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | g | | | |
| | | |_______________________________| | | |
| | | | | |
| | | max(a, c) | | | <- note the max
| | | _______________________________ | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | d | e LI padding (blue) | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | h 2nd element of list f | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | g | | | |
| | | |_______________________________| | | |
| | | | | |
| | | c LI margin (transparent, | | |
| | | so red shines through) | | |
| | |_______________________________________| | |
| | | |
| | G | |
| |_______________________________________________| |
| |
| C |
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
UL {
background: red;
margin: 1px 2px 3px 4px;
padding: 5px 6px 7px 8px;
LI {
color: white;
background: blue; /* so text is white on blue */
margin: 9px 10px 11px 12px;
padding: 13px 14px 15px 16px;
<LI>1st element of list
<LI>2nd element of list
虚框内为box,虚框部分为margin,被父类穿透(transparent, so red shines through)
Technically, padding and margin properties are not inherited. But, as the example shows, the placement of an element is relative to ancestors and siblings, so these elements' padding and margin properties have an effect on their children.
If there had been borders in the above example they would have appeared between the padding and the margins.
The following diagram introduces some useful terminology:
--------------- <-- top
top margin
top border
top padding
+-------------+ <-- inner top
| | | | | | | |
|--left--|--left--|--left--|-- content --|--right--|--right--|--right--|
| margin | border | padding| | padding | border | margin |
| | | | | | | |
+-------------+ <-- inner bottom
^ ^ ^ ^
left left inner edge right inner edge right
outer outer
edge bottom padding edge
bottom border
bottom margin
--------------- <-- bottom
The left outer edge is the edge of an element with its padding, border and margin taken into account.
The left inner edge is the edge of the content only, inside any padding, border or margin.
Ditto for right.
The top is the top of the element including any padding, border and margin; it is only defined for inline and floating elements, not for non-floating block-level elements. The inner top is the top of the content, inside any padding, border or margin.
The bottom is the bottom of the element, outside any padding, border and margin; it is only defined for inline and floating elements, not for non-floating block-level elements.
The inner bottom is the bottom of the element, inside any padding, border and margin.
4.左外边缘(left outer edge)是元素包含margin,border,padding的边缘,右侧同理
5.左内边缘(left inner edge)仅包括内容(content),右侧同理
7.顶内边缘(inner top),参考左内边缘,底部同理
The width of an element is the width of the content, i.e., the distance between left inner edge and right inner edge. The height is the height of the content, i.e., the distance from inner top to inner bottom.
8.元素宽度/盖度 ==》左右/上下内边缘的距离
1.1Vertical formatting - 垂直格式
The width of the margin on non-floating block-level elements specifies the minimum distance to the edges of surrounding boxes.
Two or more adjoining vertical margins (i.e., with no border, padding or content between them) are collapsed to use the maximum of the margin values.
In most cases, after collapsing the vertical margins the result is visually more pleasing and closer to what the designer expects.
In the example above, the margins between the two 'LI' elements are collapsed by using the maximum of the first LI element's 'margin-bottom' and the second LI element's 'margin-top'.
Similarly, if the padding between the 'UL' and the first 'LI' element (the "E" constant) had been zero, the margins of the UL and first LI elements would have been collapsed.
1.非浮动模式下,边框距离(margin width)指到其他盒子的最小距离
- 兄弟元素的合并
- 父与第一子元素的合并
In the case of negative margins, the absolute maximum of the negative adjoining margins is deducted from the maximum of the positive adjoining margins.
If there are no positive margins, the absolute maximum of the negative adjoining margins is deducted from zero.
1.2 Horizontal formatting - 水平格式
The horizontal position and size of a non-floating, block-level element is determined by seven properties: 'margin-left', 'border-left', 'padding-left', 'width', 'padding-right', 'border-right' and 'margin-right'. The sum of these seven is always equal to the 'width' of the parent element.
By default, the 'width' of an element is 'auto'. If the element is not a replaced element, this means that the 'width' is calculated by the UA so that the sum of the seven properties mentioned above is equal to the parent width. If the element is a replaced element, a value of 'auto' for 'width' is automatically replaced by the element's intrinsic width.
Three of the seven properties can be set to 'auto': 'margin-left', 'width' and 'margin-right'. For replaced elements, a value of 'auto' on 'width' is replaced by the intrinsic width, so for them there can only be two 'auto' values.
The 'width' has a non-negative UA-defined minimum value (which may vary from element to element and even depend on other properties). If 'width' goes below this limit, either because it was set explicitly, or because it was 'auto' and the rules below would make it too small, the value will be replaced with the minimum value instead.
If exactly one of 'margin-left', 'width' or 'margin-right' is 'auto', the UA will assign that property a value that will make the sum of the seven equal to the parent's width.
If none of the properties are 'auto', the value of 'margin-right' will be assigned 'auto'.
If more than one of the three is 'auto', and one of them is 'width', then the others ('margin-left' and/or 'margin-right') will be set to zero and 'width' will get the value needed to make the sum of the seven equal to the parent's width.
Otherwise, if both 'margin-left' and 'margin-right' are 'auto', they will be set to equal values. This will center the element inside its parent.
If 'auto' is set as the value for one of the seven properties in an element that is inline or floating, it will be treated as if it were set to zero.
Unlike vertical margins, horizontal margins are not collapsed.
盒子内的margin+border+padding+width == 父级元素的width
function excBoxWith(el,ml,width,mr){
[ml,mr,width == 'auto'] = 0;
if(width == 'auto'){
if(mr|ml == 'auto'){
mr|ml = 0
mr = 'auto'
var autoWidth = getAutoWidth($parent);
if(mr == ml == 'auto'){
//5.如果mr == ml 平分
mr = ml = autoWidth/2
[mr|ml|width == 'auto'] = autoWidth
1.3 List-item elements -- 列表项元素
Elements with a 'display' property value of 'list-item' are formatted as block-level elements, but preceded by a list-item marker. The type of marker is determined by the 'list-style' property.
display == list-item,将会转换为块级元素,但他只是列表项标记,其具体样式由list-style决定
The marker is placed according to the value of the 'list-style' property:
<pre style="margin-left: 2em; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial;"><STYLE TYPE="text/css">
UL { list-style: outside }
UL.compact { list-style: inside }
<LI>first list item comes first
<LI>second list item comes second
<LI>first list item comes first
<LI>second list item comes second
The above example may be formatted as:
* first list item
comes first
* second list item
comes second
* first list
item comes first
* second list
item comes second
In right-to-left text, the markers would have been on the right side of the box.
1.4 Floating elements -- 浮动元素
Using the 'float' property, an element can be declared to be outside the normal flow of elements and is then formatted as a block-level element.
For example, by setting the 'float' property of an image to 'left', the image is moved to the left until the margin, padding or border of another block-level element is reached. The normal flow will wrap around on the right side.
The margins, borders and padding of the element itself will be honored, and the margins never collapse with the margins of adjacent elements.
A floating element is positioned subject to the following constraints (see section 4.1 for an explanation of the terms):
- The left outer edge of a left-floating element may not be to the left of the left inner edge of its parent element. Analogously for right floating elements.
- The left outer edge of a left floating element must be to the right of the right outer edge of every earlier (in the HTML source) left-floating element or the top of the former must be lower than the bottom of the latter. Analogously for right floating elements.
- The right outer edge of a left-floating element may not be to the right of the left outer edge of any right-floating element that is to the right of it. Analogously for right-floating elements.
- A floating element's top may not be higher than the inner top of its parent.
- A floating element's top may not be higher than the top of any earlier floating or block-level element.
- A floating element's top may not be higher than the top of any line-box (see section 4.4) with content that precedes the floating element in the HTML source.
- A floating element must be placed as high as possible.
- A left-floating element must be put as far to the left as possible, a right-floating element as far to the right as possible. A higher position is preferred over one that is further to the left/right.
- 左浮动的盒子的左边界不会超出容器的左内边界,右浮动同理
- 左浮动盒子只会出现在前一个左浮动盒子的右边或下边,右浮动同理
- 左浮动盒子的右外边缘不在其旁边的任何右浮动框的左外边缘的右边,右浮动同理
- 先更高在更左/右
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
IMG { float: left }
BODY, P, IMG { margin: 2em }
<IMG SRC=img.gif>
Some sample text that has no other...
The above example could be formatted as:
| max(BODY margin, P margin)
| ______________________________
| | | Some sample text
| B | P | IMG margins that has no other
| O | | _____ purpose than to
| D | m | | | show how floating
| Y | a | | IMG | elements are moved
| | r | | | to the side of the
| m | g | |_____| parent element
| a | i | while honoring
| r | n | margins, borders
| g | | and padding. Note
| i | |how adjacent vertical margins
| n | |are collapsed between non-
| | |floating block-level elements.
Note that the margin of the 'P' element encloses the floating 'IMG' element.
There are two situations when floating elements can overlap with the margin, border and padding areas of other elements:
when the floating element has a negative margin:
negative margins on floating elements are honored as on other block-level elements.
when the floating element is wider or higher than the element it is inside
- 浮动元素有负margin,且与其他元素相同
- 浮动元素比元素本身更宽或更高
2 Inline elements -- 行内元素
Elements that are not formatted as block-level elements are inline elements. An inline element can share line space with other elements. Consider this example:
<P>Several <EM>emphasized</EM> words <STRONG>appear</STRONG>.</P>
The 'P' element is normally block-level, while 'EM' and 'STRONG' are inline elements. If the 'P' element is wide enough to format the whole element on one line, there will be two inline elements on the line:
p是块级元素,em strong是行内元素,如果p足够宽,他讲进行如下显示
Several emphasized words appear
If there is not enough room on one line an inline element will be split into several boxes:
<P>Several <EM>emphasized words</EM> appear here.</P>
Several emphasized
words appear here.
If the inline element has margins, borders, padding or text decorations attached, these will have no effect where the element is broken:
3 Replaced elements -- 替换元素
A replaced element is an element which is replaced by content pointed to from the element. E.g., in HTML, the 'IMG' element is replaced by the image pointed to by the 'SRC' attribute. One can assume that replaced elements come with their own intrinsic dimensions. If the value of the 'width' property is 'auto', the intrinsic width is used as the width of the element. If a value other than 'auto' is specified in the style sheet, this value is used and the replaced element is resized accordingly (the resize method will depend on the media type). The 'height' property is used in the same manner.
Replaced elements can be either block-level or inline.
当替换元素的 width/height==auto 时,会转换为内容宽度
4 The height of lines -- 行高
All elements have a 'line-height' property that, in principle, gives the total height of a line of text.
Space is added above and below the text of the line to arrive at that line height.
For example, if the text is 12pt high and 'line-height' is set to '14pt', an extra space of 2pt is added, namely 1pt above and 1pt below the line. Empty elements influence these calculations just like elements with content.
比如在hight = 12 line-height = 14 时,会在当前行(非content)上下放增加2px的空格,以保证格式的完整
The difference between the font size and the 'line-height' is called the leading. Half the leading is called the half-leading. After formatting, each line will form a rectangular line-box.
font-szie 与 line-height 的差被称为行距(leading,每行文字与相邻行文字之间的距离,印染上称为铅条,数值上为fs与lh的差)
If a line of text contains sections with different 'line-height' values (because there are inline elements on the line), then each of those sections has its own half-leading above and below.
The height of the line-box is from the top of the highest section to the bottom of the lowest one. Note that the top and bottom do not necessarily correspond to the tallest element, since elements can be positioned vertically with the 'vertical-align' property. To form a paragraph, each line-box is stacked immediately below the previous line.
Note that any padding, border or margin above and below non-replaced inline elements does not influence the height of the line. In other words: if the 'line-height' is too small for the chosen padding or border, it will overlap with text on other lines.
1.非替换行内元素的 padding, border or margin 对height无影响
Replaced elements (e.g. images) on the line can make the line-box bigger, if the top of the replaced element (i.e., including all of its padding, border and margin) is above the tallest text section, or if the bottom is below the lowest.
图文混排 -- 基线问题
In the normal case, when there is only one value of 'line-height' throughout a paragraph, and no tall images, the definition above will ensure that baselines of successive lines are exactly 'line-height' apart. This is important when columns of text in different fonts have to be aligned, for example in a table.
Note that this doesn't preclude the text on two adjacent lines from overlapping each other. The 'line-height' may be smaller than the height of the text, in which case the leading will be negative. This is useful if you know that the text will contain no descenders (e.g., because it only contains uppercase), so the lines can be put closer together.
5. The canvas -- 画布
6.'BR' elements
The current CSS1 properties and values cannot describe the behavior of the 'BR' element. In HTML, the 'BR' element specifies a line break between words. In effect, the element is replaced by a line break. Future versions of CSS may handle added and replaced content, but CSS1-based formatters must treat 'BR' specially.