Some ungentle reader will check us here by informing us that philosophy is as useless as chess, as obscure as ignorance, and as stagnant as content. "There is nothing so absurd," said Cicero, "but that it may be found in the books of the philosophers." Doubtless some philosophers have had all sorts of wisdom except common sense; and many a philosophic flight has been due to the elevating power of thin air. Let us resolve, on this voyage of ours, to put in only at the ports of light, to keep out of the muddy streams of metaphysics and the "many-sounding seas" of theological dispute.
这一段里,作者使用了很多修辞方法,有很多类比或比喻(隐喻)或象征,如chess,flight,elevating power,voyage, ports,muddy streams,many-sounding seas,也有许多对比或对照,如obscure vs ignorance,stagnant vs content,wisdom vs common sense。行文优美,又令人浮想联翩,思绪跌宕。