
作者: 膝盖中过箭 | 来源:发表于2016-11-09 21:43 被阅读0次

Today let's talk about the time.

After the class in the morning,my girlfriend told me her schlorship hadn't been set,she couldn't buy buy buy at 11.11,just tomorrow's eve. I'm so surprised that tomorrow is the wonderful day created by alibaba,I didn't get ready at all.

Let's discuss what I have done during the last three months. I keep on building up my body,I dropped out crossfit system and was attracted by powerlifting ,to set up my basic strength.

But the most important thing i realized is why I must study hard. I used to hold a view that I had destiny with medicine.During the last three months,I focused on my study,went to hospital day and night,enjoyed everything happened between patients and doctors.I suddenly see the light.To make patients live a better life,it's about love and care,it's faith,not money,car,house and so on. I was borned in a big city,I was educated years and years.But there are some people who live in the county,they came to hospital by three hours' bus,they don't know high blood pressure or diabeta is.I must help them live better lives.

There's a saying “living in your ivory tower at HN university, you can't imagine what it's like to go hungry”,I know how hungry is now.



  • 【记录】唐印

    2016.10.29 2016.11.9 2016.11.20 2016.12.2

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