通过ScriptingBridge获取Xcode 最近打开工程文

通过ScriptingBridge获取Xcode 最近打开工程文

作者: Mr_Xiao | 来源:发表于2018-02-07 22:50 被阅读0次


    1.sdef命令获取生成Xcode的头文件 Xcode.h

     * Xcode.h -- extracted using command:
     * sdef /Applications/Xcode.app | sdp -fh --basename Xcode
    #import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
    #import <ScriptingBridge/ScriptingBridge.h>
    @class XcodeApplication, XcodeDocument, XcodeWindow, XcodeFileDocument, XcodeTextDocument, XcodeSourceDocument, XcodeWorkspaceDocument, XcodeSchemeActionResult, XcodeSchemeActionIssue, XcodeBuildError, XcodeBuildWarning, XcodeAnalyzerIssue, XcodeTestFailure, XcodeScheme, XcodeRunDestination, XcodeDevice, XcodeBuildConfiguration, XcodeProject, XcodeBuildSetting, XcodeResolvedBuildSetting, XcodeTarget;
    enum XcodeSaveOptions {
        XcodeSaveOptionsYes = 'yes ' /* Save the file. */,
        XcodeSaveOptionsNo = 'no  ' /* Do not save the file. */,
        XcodeSaveOptionsAsk = 'ask ' /* Ask the user whether or not to save the file. */
    typedef enum XcodeSaveOptions XcodeSaveOptions;
    // The status of a scheme action result object.
    enum XcodeSchemeActionResultStatus {
        XcodeSchemeActionResultStatusNotYetStarted = 'srsn' /* The action has not yet started. */,
        XcodeSchemeActionResultStatusRunning = 'srsr' /* The action is in progress. */,
        XcodeSchemeActionResultStatusCancelled = 'srsc' /* The action was cancelled. */,
        XcodeSchemeActionResultStatusFailed = 'srsf' /* The action ran but did not complete successfully. */,
        XcodeSchemeActionResultStatusErrorOccurred = 'srse' /* The action was not able to run due to an error. */,
        XcodeSchemeActionResultStatusSucceeded = 'srss' /* The action succeeded. */
    typedef enum XcodeSchemeActionResultStatus XcodeSchemeActionResultStatus;
    @protocol XcodeGenericMethods
    - (void) closeSaving:(XcodeSaveOptions)saving savingIn:(NSURL *)savingIn;  // Close a document.
    - (void) delete;  // Delete an object.
    - (void) moveTo:(SBObject *)to;  // Move an object to a new location.
    - (XcodeSchemeActionResult *) build;  // Invoke the "build" scheme action. This command should be sent to a workspace document. The build will be performed using the workspace document's current active scheme and active run destination. This command does not wait for the action to complete; its progress can be tracked with the returned scheme action result.
    - (XcodeSchemeActionResult *) clean;  // Invoke the "clean" scheme action. This command should be sent to a workspace document. The clean will be performed using the workspace document's current active scheme and active run destination. This command does not wait for the action to complete; its progress can be tracked with the returned scheme action result.
    - (void) stop;  // Stop the active scheme action, if one is running. This command should be sent to a workspace document. This command does not wait for the action to stop.
    - (XcodeSchemeActionResult *) runWithCommandLineArguments:(id)withCommandLineArguments withEnvironmentVariables:(id)withEnvironmentVariables;  // Invoke the "run" scheme action. This command should be sent to a workspace document. The run action will be performed using the workspace document's current active scheme and active run destination. This command does not wait for the action to complete; its progress can be tracked with the returned scheme action result.
    - (XcodeSchemeActionResult *) testWithCommandLineArguments:(id)withCommandLineArguments withEnvironmentVariables:(id)withEnvironmentVariables;  // Invoke the "test" scheme action. This command should be sent to a workspace document. The test action will be performed using the workspace document's current active scheme and active run destination. This command does not wait for the action to complete; its progress can be tracked with the returned scheme action result.
     * Standard Suite
    // The application's top-level scripting object.
    @interface XcodeApplication : SBApplication
    - (SBElementArray<XcodeDocument *> *) documents;
    - (SBElementArray<XcodeWindow *> *) windows;
    @property (copy, readonly) NSString *name;  // The name of the application.
    @property (readonly) BOOL frontmost;  // Is this the active application?
    @property (copy, readonly) NSString *version;  // The version number of the application.
    - (id) open:(id)x;  // Open a document.
    - (void) quitSaving:(XcodeSaveOptions)saving;  // Quit the application.
    - (BOOL) exists:(id)x;  // Verify that an object exists.
    // A document.
    @interface XcodeDocument : SBObject <XcodeGenericMethods>
    @property (copy, readonly) NSString *name;  // Its name.
    @property (readonly) BOOL modified;  // Has it been modified since the last save?
    @property (copy, readonly) NSURL *file;  // Its location on disk, if it has one.
    // A window.
    @interface XcodeWindow : SBObject <XcodeGenericMethods>
    @property (copy, readonly) NSString *name;  // The title of the window.
    - (NSInteger) id;  // The unique identifier of the window.
    @property NSInteger index;  // The index of the window, ordered front to back.
    @property NSRect bounds;  // The bounding rectangle of the window.
    @property (readonly) BOOL closeable;  // Does the window have a close button?
    @property (readonly) BOOL miniaturizable;  // Does the window have a minimize button?
    @property BOOL miniaturized;  // Is the window minimized right now?
    @property (readonly) BOOL resizable;  // Can the window be resized?
    @property BOOL visible;  // Is the window visible right now?
    @property (readonly) BOOL zoomable;  // Does the window have a zoom button?
    @property BOOL zoomed;  // Is the window zoomed right now?
    @property (copy, readonly) XcodeDocument *document;  // The document whose contents are displayed in the window.
     * Xcode Application Suite
    // The Xcode application.
    @interface XcodeApplication (XcodeApplicationSuite)
    - (SBElementArray<XcodeFileDocument *> *) fileDocuments;
    - (SBElementArray<XcodeSourceDocument *> *) sourceDocuments;
    - (SBElementArray<XcodeWorkspaceDocument *> *) workspaceDocuments;
    @property (copy) XcodeWorkspaceDocument *activeWorkspaceDocument;  // The active workspace document in Xcode.
     * Xcode Document Suite
    // An Xcode-compatible document.
    @interface XcodeDocument (XcodeDocumentSuite)
    @property (copy) NSString *path;  // The document's path.
    // A document that represents a file on disk. It also provides access to the window it appears in.
    @interface XcodeFileDocument : XcodeDocument
    // A document that represents a text file on disk. It also provides access to the window it appears in.
    @interface XcodeTextDocument : XcodeFileDocument
    @property (copy) NSArray<NSNumber *> *selectedCharacterRange;  // The first and last character positions in the selection.
    @property (copy) NSArray<NSNumber *> *selectedParagraphRange;  // The first and last paragraph positions that contain the selection.
    @property (copy) NSString *text;  // The text of the text file referenced.
    @property BOOL notifiesWhenClosing;  // Should Xcode notify other apps when this document is closed?
    // A document that represents a source file on disk. It also provides access to the window it appears in.
    @interface XcodeSourceDocument : XcodeTextDocument
    // A document that represents a workspace on disk. Workspaces are the top-level container for almost all objects and commands in Xcode.
    @interface XcodeWorkspaceDocument : XcodeDocument
    - (SBElementArray<XcodeProject *> *) projects;
    - (SBElementArray<XcodeScheme *> *) schemes;
    - (SBElementArray<XcodeRunDestination *> *) runDestinations;
    @property BOOL loaded;  // Whether the workspace document has finsished loading after being opened. Messages sent to a workspace document before it has loaded will result in errors.
    @property (copy) XcodeScheme *activeScheme;  // The workspace's scheme that will be used for scheme actions.
    @property (copy) XcodeRunDestination *activeRunDestination;  // The workspace's run destination that will be used for scheme actions.
    @property (copy) XcodeSchemeActionResult *lastSchemeActionResult;  // The scheme action result for the last scheme action command issued to the workspace document.
    @property (copy, readonly) NSURL *file;  // The workspace document's location on disk, if it has one.
     * Xcode Scheme Suite
    // An object describing the result of performing a scheme action command.
    @interface XcodeSchemeActionResult : SBObject <XcodeGenericMethods>
    - (SBElementArray<XcodeBuildError *> *) buildErrors;
    - (SBElementArray<XcodeBuildWarning *> *) buildWarnings;
    - (SBElementArray<XcodeAnalyzerIssue *> *) analyzerIssues;
    - (SBElementArray<XcodeTestFailure *> *) testFailures;
    - (NSString *) id;  // The unique identifier for the scheme.
    @property (readonly) BOOL completed;  // Whether this scheme action has completed (sucessfully or otherwise) or not.
    @property XcodeSchemeActionResultStatus status;  // Indicates the status of the scheme action.
    @property (copy) NSString *errorMessage;  // If the result's status is "error occurred", this will be the error message; otherwise, this will be "missing value".
    @property (copy) NSString *buildLog;  // If this scheme action performed a build, this will be the text of the build log.
    // An issue (like an error or warning) generated by a scheme action.
    @interface XcodeSchemeActionIssue : SBObject <XcodeGenericMethods>
    @property (copy) NSString *message;  // The text of the issue.
    @property (copy) NSString *filePath;  // The file path where the issue occurred. This may be 'missing value' if the issue is not associated with a specific source file.
    @property NSInteger startingLineNumber;  // The starting line number in the file where the issue occurred. This may be 'missing value' if the issue is not associated with a specific source file.
    @property NSInteger endingLineNumber;  // The ending line number in the file where the issue occurred. This may be 'missing value' if the issue is not associated with a specific source file.
    @property NSInteger startingColumnNumber;  // The starting column number in the file where the issue occurred. This may be 'missing value' if the issue is not associated with a specific source file.
    @property NSInteger endingColumnNumber;  // The ending column number in the file where the issue occurred. This may be 'missing value' if the issue is not associated with a specific source file.
    // An error generated by a build.
    @interface XcodeBuildError : XcodeSchemeActionIssue
    // A warning generated by a build.
    @interface XcodeBuildWarning : XcodeSchemeActionIssue
    // A warning generated by the static analyzer.
    @interface XcodeAnalyzerIssue : XcodeSchemeActionIssue
    // A failure from a test.
    @interface XcodeTestFailure : XcodeSchemeActionIssue
    // A set of parameters for building, testing, launching or distributing the products of a workspace.
    @interface XcodeScheme : SBObject <XcodeGenericMethods>
    @property (copy, readonly) NSString *name;  // The name of the scheme.
    - (NSString *) id;  // The unique identifier for the scheme.
    // An object which specifies parameters such as the device and architecture for which to perform a scheme action.
    @interface XcodeRunDestination : SBObject <XcodeGenericMethods>
    @property (copy, readonly) NSString *name;  // The name of the run destination, as displayed in Xcode's interface.
    @property (copy, readonly) NSString *architecture;  // The architecture for which this run destination results in execution.
    @property (copy, readonly) NSString *platform;  // The identifier of the platform which this run destination targets, such as "macosx", "iphoneos", "iphonesimulator", etc .
    @property (copy, readonly) XcodeDevice *device;  // The physical or virtual device which this run destination targets.
    @property (copy, readonly) XcodeDevice *companionDevice;  // If the run destination's device has a companion (e.g. a paired watch for a phone) which it will use, this is that device.
    // A device which can be used as the target for a scheme action, as part of a run destination.
    @interface XcodeDevice : SBObject <XcodeGenericMethods>
    @property (copy, readonly) NSString *name;  // The name of the device.
    @property (copy, readonly) NSString *deviceIdentifier;  // A stable identifier for the device, as shown in Xcode's "Devices" window.
    @property (copy, readonly) NSString *operatingSystemVersion;  // The version of the operating system installed on the device which this run destination targets.
    @property (copy, readonly) NSString *deviceModel;  // The model of device (e.g. "iPad Air") which this run destination targets.
    @property (readonly) BOOL generic;  // Whether this run destination is generic instead of representing a specific device. Most destinations are not generic, but a generic destination (such as "Generic iOS Device") will be available for some platforms if no physical devices are connected.
     * Xcode Project Suite
    // A set of build settings for a target or project. Each target in a project has the same named build configurations as the project.
    @interface XcodeBuildConfiguration : SBObject <XcodeGenericMethods>
    - (SBElementArray<XcodeBuildSetting *> *) buildSettings;
    - (SBElementArray<XcodeResolvedBuildSetting *> *) resolvedBuildSettings;
    - (NSString *) id;  // The unique identifier for the build configuration.
    @property (copy, readonly) NSString *name;  // The name of the build configuration.
    // An Xcode project. Projects represent project files on disk and are always open in the context of a workspace document.
    @interface XcodeProject : SBObject <XcodeGenericMethods>
    - (SBElementArray<XcodeBuildConfiguration *> *) buildConfigurations;
    - (SBElementArray<XcodeTarget *> *) targets;
    @property (copy, readonly) NSString *name;  // The name of the project
    - (NSString *) id;  // The unique identifier for the project.
    // A setting that controls how products are built.
    @interface XcodeBuildSetting : SBObject <XcodeGenericMethods>
    @property (copy) NSString *name;  // The unlocalized build setting name (e.g. DSTROOT).
    @property (copy) NSString *value;  // A string value for the build setting.
    // An object that represents a resolved value for a build setting.
    @interface XcodeResolvedBuildSetting : SBObject <XcodeGenericMethods>
    @property (copy) NSString *name;  // The unlocalized build setting name (e.g. DSTROOT).
    @property (copy) NSString *value;  // A string value for the build setting.
    // A target is a blueprint for building a product. Targets inherit build settings from their project if not overridden in the target.
    @interface XcodeTarget : SBObject <XcodeGenericMethods>
    - (SBElementArray<XcodeBuildConfiguration *> *) buildConfigurations;
    @property (copy) NSString *name;  // The name of this target.
    - (NSString *) id;  // The unique identifier for the target.
    @property (copy, readonly) XcodeProject *project;  // The project that contains this target

    2. ScriptingBridge获取Xcode document


    #import "Xcode.h"
    #import <ScriptingBridge/ScriptingBridge.h>


     XcodeApplication *xcode =[SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@"com.apple.dt.Xcode"];
        NSArray * xcodeDoc = [xcode documents];
        [xcodeDoc enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(XcodeDocument*  _Nonnull obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
            NSURL *fileURL =[obj file];



          本文标题:通过ScriptingBridge获取Xcode 最近打开工程文
