2019-12-10 How to STOP Beating Y

2019-12-10 How to STOP Beating Y

作者: 马云腾Ne | 来源:发表于2019-12-12 10:28 被阅读0次

    most of us are  really too hard on ourselves we reject ourselves we beat ourselves up we are constantly have this background of self talk about how we're not good enough ,we're not happy enough, we're not smart enough ,we're not rich enough,we're just not enough who we are ,we're rejecting ourselves all the time .


    and this something that can be released and when you release this self rejection.what happens is you naturally move into self-acceptance and the more accepting you are of yourself the more able you are to have be and do whatever it is you want in life plus. it feels so much better you feel comfortable in your own skin you feel more alive more at ease, more ready to deal with life's challenges

    and even when there's losts of uncertainty in the world if you can allow yourself to just accept yourself as you are be kinder to youself just let yourself be who you are even a little. it makes everything easier you respond more appropriately and it just really feels wonderful so let's do it now together .



    so in the moment could you just simply let yourself be what you are and be what you are and be what you are .


    now by the way that's enough when  just allow yourself to be what you are the whole world opens up to you  there is this love and this beauty and this stillness, that's right here beyond or just behind or actually shining through every experience waiting to be discovered .


    so in the moment could you just simply welcome any part of your body mind ,that in this moment you're rejecting you're saying no to you're not just allowing to be the way it is, and could you welcome whatever has just come to mind ,

    could you just let it be here .


    and then as best you can just for now could you also welcome any wanting to fix it change it  control it understand it any wanting to do anyting with or about it  including push it away or hold it close.


    and then could you welcome to any sense that any of that is personal abou you or who you are .


    and that is best you  can just for now could you let go of rejecting yourself and just accept yourself even a little more a tiny bit goes a long way .so again as best you can just for now ,could you let go of rejecting yourself and just love yourself or accept yourself or be with yourself as best you can


    and could you just do this inside because you just open to that loving acceptance for yourself if you can just rub yourself or accept yourself a little more it dissolves all sorts of barriers and it just opens you to having a totally different experience of of life.it also by the way helps you in all your relationships with apparent others .


    and let's do that again allow yourself to focus on that same thing or anything else.that in this moment you're rejecting about yourself you're disapproving of in yourself or you may even doing this to yourself. oh we do that a lot without realizing it .

    we bet ourselves up, so just focus on one place where you're doing that.

    could you just welcome it let it be here since it is , and then could you welcome to any wishing it were different wanting to fix it change it control it understand it  get rid of it .



    and could you welcome as well any sense that that's personal about you or who you are


    and then as best you can just for now,could you just let go of beating on yourself, let go of rejecting yourself ,let go of  disapproving of yourself .even just a little and even just a little again just the tiny bit goes a long way ,give yourself a little love a little compassion , a little understanding ,a little accptance ,just do that as an experiment you can always go back to beating yourself up or rejecting yourself later if you really want to .


    so could you just let go of rejecting yourself as best you can


    and then could you allow yourself to love yourself ,accept yourself, be kind to yourself as best you can.


    could you start to treat yourself with loving compassion.


    and let's do that again in this moment ,could you allow yourself to just simply be what you are and be what you are and be what you are .


    and then dig a little deeper and check to see if there's anything at all about you that you're rejecting you're disapproving of you're beating yourself for


    and if  so could you just let that be here welcome it  allow it  instead of fighting with it .


    and then could you welcome to your desire to get rid of it  you're wanting to fix it change it control with understand it do anything with or about it .


    and then could you welcome as well any sense that any of that is personal about you or who you are.


    and then as best you can just for now ,could you just let go of rejecting yourself ,could you let go of trying to discipline yourself ,could you let go of beating yourself up ,could you  just love or accept or be kind to yourself even just a little more .


    and could you do that even more ,could you allow yourself to let go of rejecting ,could you let go of disapproving ,could you let go of beating on yourself ,and then could you allow yourself to just love yourself as you are, accept yourself as you are be who you are.


    and could you just simply open yourself to that love and acceptance that's always right within you .


    okay good please feel free to share this with everyone and also please join me i think it starts on the fifth where I'll be doing a special seminar on self love and self compassion so thank you for watching bye.




          本文标题:2019-12-10 How to STOP Beating Y
