LabelStudio + MMDetection 实现目标分割

LabelStudio + MMDetection 实现目标分割

作者: 何小有 | 来源:发表于2021-12-28 18:07 被阅读0次

    Label Studio ML Backend 提供的预标注模型示例中,只有 mmdetection 这个 目标检测预标注 示例,而没有 目标分割预标注 示例,因此我参考野生的 目标分割预标注 代码 interactive_segmentation.py 并结合 MMDetection Mask R-CNN 算法,实现了一个 目标分割预标注 的演示代码。

    首先下载 Label Studio ML backend 项目代码到本地,并按 目标检测预标注文档 的内容,先实现目标检测预标注。

    然后在 label_studio_ml/examples 目录下新创建一个 mask_segmentation 目录,再到 mask_segmentation 目录创建一个新的 mask_segmentation.py 文件:

    import os
    import logging
    import boto3
    import cv2
    import PIL
    import numpy as np
    from mmdet.apis import init_detector, inference_detector
    from label_studio_ml.model import LabelStudioMLBase
    from label_studio_ml.utils import get_image_size, get_single_tag_keys
    from label_studio.core.utils.io import json_load, get_data_dir
    from label_studio.core.settings.base import DATA_UNDEFINED_NAME
    from label_studio_converter.brush import encode_rle
    from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    class MaskSegmentation(LabelStudioMLBase):
        """基于 https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection 的目标分割器"""
        def __init__(self, config_file, checkpoint_file, image_dir=None, labels_file=None, score_threshold=0.5, device='cpu', **kwargs):
            将 MMDetection model 模型从配置和检查点加载到内存中.
            super(MaskSegmentation, self).__init__(**kwargs)
            self.config_file = config_file
            self.checkpoint_file = checkpoint_file
            self.labels_file = labels_file
            # 默认 Label Studio 图片上传文件夹
            upload_dir = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), 'media', 'upload')
            self.image_dir = image_dir or upload_dir
            logger.debug(f'{self.__class__.__name__} 从 {self.image_dir} 读取图像')
            if self.labels_file and os.path.exists(self.labels_file):
                self.label_map = json_load(self.labels_file)
                self.label_map = {}
            self.from_name, self.to_name, self.value, self.labels_in_config = get_single_tag_keys(
                self.parsed_label_config, 'BrushLabels', 'Image')
            schema = list(self.parsed_label_config.values())[0]
            self.labels_in_config = set(self.labels_in_config)
            # 从 <Label> 标签中的 `predicted_values="airplane,car"` 属性收集标签映射
            self.labels_attrs = schema.get('labels_attrs')
            if self.labels_attrs:
                for label_name, label_attrs in self.labels_attrs.items():
                    for predicted_value in label_attrs.get('predicted_values', '').split(','):
                        self.label_map[predicted_value] = label_name
            print('从以下位置加载新模型: ', config_file, checkpoint_file)
            self.model = init_detector(config_file, checkpoint_file, device=device)
            self.score_thresh = score_threshold
        def _get_image_url(self, task):
            image_url = task['data'].get(self.value) or task['data'].get(DATA_UNDEFINED_NAME)
            if image_url.startswith('s3://'):
                # presign s3 url
                r = urlparse(image_url, allow_fragments=False)
                bucket_name = r.netloc
                key = r.path.lstrip('/')
                client = boto3.client('s3')
                    image_url = client.generate_presigned_url(
                        Params={'Bucket': bucket_name, 'Key': key}
                except ClientError as exc:
                    logger.warning(f'无法为 {image_url} 生成预签名 URL. 理由: {exc}')
            # 示例值 /data/upload/8/936bcb98-6535-11ec-85f0-594e4647184a.png
            return image_url
        def predict(self, tasks, **kwargs):
            assert len(tasks) == 1
            task = tasks[0]
            image_url = self._get_image_url(task)
            image_path = self.get_local_path(image_url, project_dir=self.image_dir)
            # 加载图片
            image = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(image_path), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            _result_mask = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], dtype=np.uint16)
            # 获得预测
            model_results = inference_detector(self.model, image_path)
            result_box = model_results[0]  # 标框区域数据
            result_mask = model_results[1]  # Mask数据
            results = []
            all_scores = []
            img_width, img_height = get_image_size(image_path)
            # 把 model_results 改成 result_box 就和示例 mmdetection 一样
            # for bboxes, label in zip(model_results, self.model.CLASSES):
            iterabl = 0
            for bboxes, label in zip(result_box, self.model.CLASSES):
                output_label = self.label_map.get(label, label)
                if output_label not in self.labels_in_config:
                    # print('在项目配置中找不到 ' + output_label + ' 标签.')
                    iterabl += 1
                _iter = 0
                for bbox in bboxes:
                    # 示例值 [173.1038, 197.33136, 747.7704, 556.80554, 0.97078586]
                    bbox = list(bbox)
                    if not bbox:
                    score = float(bbox[-1])
                    if score < self.score_thresh:
                    x, y, xmax, ymax = bbox[:4]
                    # 将 mask 换为 RGBA 图像
                    got_image = PIL.Image.fromarray(result_mask[iterabl][_iter])
                    rgbimg = PIL.Image.new("RGBA", got_image.size)
                    datas = rgbimg.getdata()
                    # 使 RGBA 图像像素透明
                    newData = []
                    for item in datas:
                        if item[0] == 0 and item[1] == 0 and item[2] == 0:
                            newData.append((0, 0, 0, 0))
                    # 从图像中获取像素
                    pix = np.array(rgbimg)
                    # rgbimg.save("test/test"+output_label+str(_iter)+".png")
                    # 编码为 rle
                    result_mask_iter = encode_rle(pix.flatten())
                        "original_width": x,
                        "original_height": y,
                        'from_name': self.from_name,
                        'to_name': self.to_name,
                        'type': 'brushlabels',
                        'value': {
                            'brushlabels': [output_label],
                            "rle": result_mask_iter,
                            "format": "rle",
                        'score': score
                    _iter += 1
                iterabl += 1
            avg_score = sum(all_scores) / max(len(all_scores), 1)
            return [{
                'result': results,
                'score': avg_score

    回到根目录下,执行以下命令,创建并初始化 目标分割预标注 项目目录,并下载相应的算法模型,再运行预标注服务。

    # 创建并初始化目录
    label-studio-ml init mask-segmentation --from label_studio_ml/examples/mask_segmentation/mask_segmentation.py
    # 下载相应的算法模型
    cd mask-segmentation
    git clone https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection.git
    cd mmdetection
    mkdir checkpoints
    cd checkpoints
    wget http://download.openmmlab.com/mmdetection/v2.0/mask_rcnn/mask_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco/mask_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco_20200205-d4b0c5d6.pth
    # 回到根目录运行
    cd ../../..
    label-studio-ml start mask-segmentation --with config_file=mask-segmentation/mmdetection/configs/mask_rcnn/mask_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco.py checkpoint_file=mask-segmentation/mmdetection/checkpoints/mask_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco_20200205-d4b0c5d6.pth hostname=http://localhost:8081 -p 8082

    其中 hostname=http://localhost:8081Label Studio 的访问地址,8082目标分割预标注 服务的访问端口,这里按实际情况进行修改。

    然后在 Label Studio 项目的 Settings / Machine Learning 页面配置好 目标分割预标注 服务。

    最后在 Label Studio 项目的 Settings / Labeling Interface 页面选择 Computer Vision > Semantic Segmentation with Masks 标注模板,并按下面的格式配置预标注项:

      <Label value="Airplane" predicted_values="airplane" background="rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.7)"/>
      <Label value="Car" predicted_values="car" background="rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.7)"/>

    我们可以直接使用 MMDetection 已经提供的 81 个预训练模型,具体请看 COCO标签的完整列表,在其中选择需要的模型,填入 valuepredicted_values 的值就可以生效。







          本文标题:LabelStudio + MMDetection 实现目标分割
