Google 开发者大会回顾(提纲only)

Google 开发者大会回顾(提纲only)

作者: 天然卷发子Lucia | 来源:发表于2016-12-15 11:36 被阅读0次


  1. Angular cross platforms
    1. Web: Angular + Material
    2. Mobile: ionic , onsenUI, NativeScript
    3. Desktop: Electron + Node.js
  2. Tools:
    1. Angular Augury
    2. Webstorm plugin for Angular
  3. Angular CLI
  4. Angular Material
  5. Performance and Complier (Change detection strategy)
    1. JIT Complier
    2. AOT Complier
    3. Closure Complier
    4. Angular 2 Lazy Loading

Mobile Web

  1. PWA Concept
  2. Angular Service Workers
    1. AppShellModule
  3. Angular Universal
  4. What's next
    1. W3C Payment API
    2. Auto-complete
    3. Physical-web
    4. Bluetooth device: BLE, GATT
    5. Web VR (aframe.io)


  1. importance (security, service workers, http/2, push, geo location requires HTTPS )
  2. cost/efforts
    1. Low Price: sslmate
    2. Free: Lets encrypt
  3. HTTP/2
  4. Impact to Search Engine? (Need 301 Error and redirection url for http)
    1. Search Ranking Guideline
  5. What's next?
    1. Encrypting data in transmit
    2. Using content security Policy
    3. Using mixed content


  1. Authentication
  2. File Storage
  3. Real time database (No SQL)

Tensor Flow

  1. Tensor Flow
    (Udacity Course: https://www.udacity.com/course/deep-learning--ud730)
  2. Tensor Board



      本文标题:Google 开发者大会回顾(提纲only)
