Thanks for clicking into our humble little site!
We are coming to you from a small but beautiful little island (Penang) in Malaysia,
As fellow citizens of the island, our simplest responsibilities are to do good and to observe the world not through our eyes, but with hearts,
当然, 我们也负责策划运营 小日尝 公众号!
Opps and i almost forgot, but our other responsibility is running this site !
路漫漫其修远兮 今后请多多指教
Our journey together, between our team, and also you guys, our dearest audience will be a long one in which we hope that we can keep learning from each other.
Our hope is to create a comfortable and chill site that spreads positivity !
Anyways, here on our site you'll get a glimpse into all things we find interesting and precious ,
that we often overlook through words pics, music and movie sharing and so on,
If you relate to us in any sort of way, (or even if you don't) , our site will be a great place to share as well as appreciate the beautiful little things in life that we often overlook .
这个世界很大 我们向前的脚步永远不会停止,
The world is a gigantic place, and often times than not we do not stop to smell the flowers,
But instead of letting life get to us, we hope to go on an amazing adventure together with you guys to discover all it's magic and wonder !
一期一会 难得一面 世当珍惜
Who knows when you'll stumble upon this website ?
In a time of need? Or just in a time of leisure ?
Well no matter the time,
All i know is that we should cherish our fate while it lasts.
id: afternoonmoon
Often times, the moon is still there during the afternoon, just a faint white plaster on the sky, with shadows on its face here and there.
It’s normal to see the moon during the night time or during the earlier and later hours of the daytime even.
But, how many times have we thought about or looked up to see the moon when it’s noon?
What a magical moment it felt, it was your first time seeing the moon in the afternoon,
Moments later, most of us of course would grow tired, the fascination would wear off, and we’d forget about the afternoon moon.
This is what we aim to do with our site,
从今以后我们会在 小日尝 里分享属于我们的小日常!
We’re just going to be here, posting and running our site from this day onwards!
So, on the magical occasion that’d you’d look up and spot the moon during the afternoon; that’d you would somehow end up finding our site, you will click in and you will discover something beautiful and wonderful.
We like to talk about the little and beautiful things in life,
就如同你第一次看到下午的月亮的情况一样,之后你可能也会将 小日尝 放在一边晾着,也许你不会(那真是太好啦),总之,我们希望 小日尝 的一切可以引起你的共鸣,帮助你,替你加油打气。
So like the first time you saw the moon in the afternoon, you may forget or get tired of us after awhile (or not) but nonetheless we hope that the things we do resonate with you, help you, cheer you up.
Lastly just know that we cherish every single time that by coincidence, or perhaps on purpose, that our souls would cross paths again. Enjoy !
