Flipped in 17

Flipped in 17

作者: Kadimalzz | 来源:发表于2017-05-31 23:46 被阅读0次

(This story is dedicated to the one I deeply loved.)

Flipped in 17

      ALL ever I wanted was for Mr. B to notice me. It all began in the summer of 2013, before the start of second year of high school.

      Mr. B was a miyoshi student in class 3, but as for me, a normal student in class 4. I didn’t know his name at first. Actually, it was the shape of him that attracted me deeply. According to our high school requirement, we had to run on the playground every day during our recess.  He stood in the last row in his class, and I stood in the second row in our class.  His tall figure, long legs and dark brown hair made him out of the ordinary even though he wore uniform. I peeked at him from time to time, and the longer I looked at him, the more handsome I found he was.  In order to get closer to him, I changed my position with my classmate and  stood in the first row so that  I could savor his back-view more conveniently.

      It was about a month later that we had a mock exam and those outstanding students’ name were posted on a red poster . At that time, I did poorly in study and suffered in math ,physics and chemistry every day. I have ever suspected that it might be a wrong decision for me to choose science instead of liberal arts. A strange name on the list immediately drew my attention and I tittered that someone should surname as Bear!  His name was so interesting that inspired me to know this straight A student named Bear.  When I found out the fact that Mr. Bear was the exact one who I peered all the time, my heart was ecstatic !

      How tall he was! How handsome he was!  How brilliant he was! Oh my Mr. Bear, he was so wonderful ,how can I not to flip? I used all means to get his QQ number and phone number ,by the way, I  told all my friends that this boy was my Prince Charming. All of them encouraged me to chase this good boy, otherwise I would be regretful in the future.  Hence, I went into action!

      After getting his contact information,I spoke to him online every night. Out of courtesy and friendliness he replied my messages just in few words. I never got tired to find some topics between us even if he showed some coldness. I assumed that he might be an iceberg, and believed that I could conquer his heart with my enthusiasm one day.  His action proved the truth that he did not hate me, which was the first step to success. As time goes by,  we became familiar with each other . What inspired me most was that he began to greet to me.  A brief greeting was able to turn my heart upside down totally and made me happy like a flying bird all the day. Chemistry was so difficult for me, so I took class time to read many Tagore’ s poems and learned to write love letters to him. I always guessed the expression on his face when he read my letter. Would he smile? Would he be shy? Would he plan to reply my heart? I didn’t know and I expected his response scrupulously.  Almost from August to October, I was in a proactive position and entangled him.  After school, I waited in the door of class 3 every night and invited him to go to the subway station together.

      We became friends later. He was the center of my world and I rounded him like a satellite all the time. Finally, on 17th October,2013 ,he asked me “Can you be my girlfriend?” on QQ, I nearly burst into tears in front of my phone screen. “Yes!” I said yes ! Yes!

      (He was the only one I deeply loved before, we had great time together and had so many sweet memories . He changed me a lot ,and made me become  better. However, we broke up on 8th November, that day was his 18th birthday. Lack of communication will be a fatal injury between a couple. I learned, and I will remember all my life.)



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