简单阐述, “无为而治”并不是什么都不管,去放任员工的天性,而是通过公司文化,规章制度, 流程和管理者的约束和适当引导,并且尽量保护员工的自然个性。通过目标管理和风险管理等,让员工自动自发地帮助公司实现目标,并且获得公司和员工的双赢。即管理者一开始必须“无为而无不为”,才能有后来事半功倍的“无为而治”。
Simply explaining, “govern by doing nothing' is not caring nothing and let team member do what they like. It is managing and coaching through company culture, principles, process and leadership. At the same time, try to protect the employees' natural character s. With task management and risk management etc., let employees help company to achieve goal consciously, thus can get 'win-win' between employees and company.
That is to say, the leaders must 'doing everything' at the beginning, then can achieve the target easier by'doing nothing'.