
作者: c51ebd4f18de | 来源:发表于2021-04-28 09:50 被阅读0次


    Traffic in the town has dropped off since the bypass opened. 自从这条小路通车后,城镇的车流就减少了

    Heart bypass surgery 心脏分流手术

    To avoid a place or situation by going around it 通过绕行避免一个地方或者处境

    Bypass the town 绕过市中心

    Miss the rush hour traffic 避免交通时段的拥挤

    The card allows you to bypass long lines at the bank. 这种卡可以让你避免在银行排长队

    Official position 官方立场

    He bypassed his manager and wrote straight to the director. 他绕过他的经理直接写信给主管

    In order to circumvent the mountains 为了避开高山

    Get around sth 绕开

    Dishonest way 不光彩的手段

    Open an account abroad 开一个国外账户

    Circumvent the tax laws 规避税法

    Be killed in the stampede 在逃窜中被杀

    A stampede broke out 蜂拥而出

    Thunderstorms often stampede cattle 雷雨天气常常让牛乱窜

    Children came stampeding out of the school door. 孩子们争相恐后挤出校门

    Be/get stampede into sth./doing sth 被迫做某事

    He refused to be stampeded into starting new nuclear tests. 他拒绝被迫开始新的核试验

    Impossible to avoid 不可能避免 无法避免

    She didn’t want to confront the inescapable fact 她不想面对无法避免的事实

    Underlying base 基础结构

    Foundation 地基 基础

    Press ahead with 推进

    Infrastructure development plan 发展基础建设计划

    To form the basis or foundation of  构成  的基础或起因

    Social problem 社会问题

    Underling these crises remain unsolved 导致这些危机的问题始终未解决

    To take the place of  取代 替代

    Party leader 党派领导人

    Less worthy of respect 不值得尊重 贬低自己

    She demeans herself by doing his dirty work 她替他干了卑鄙勾当,降低自己的人格

    Demeanor 行为举止

    Mediocrity of today’s writing 现代文体 的平庸

    Exalted to the position of a general manager 提升为总经理职位

    Easy exalts the simple beauty of the country文章赞美

    Exaltation 晋升

    Exalted 高贵的 得意洋洋的

    Very skilled or accomplished 擅长 精通

    Equally adept in comedy or drama 同样擅长喜剧和喜剧

    A highly skilled person, an expert 内行 能手 技术高超

    On land the turtle is ungainly, but in the water it is very agile. 乌龟在陆地上很笨拙但是在水里非常灵敏

    Physically strong 体魄强健

    Mentally agile 思维敏捷

    Agility 机敏 敏捷

    people who perform this agile feat of acrobatics are called castellers, and to see their tower take shape is to observe a marvel of human cooperation. 这项杂技展示出灵活轻快,表演者被称为城堡人 观看他们垒成塔形的过程就是观看人类通过合作创造奇迹的过程

    Clever at deceiving people 擅长骗人

    Artful devil 诡计多端

    Attractive way 吸引人的方式

    An artful little gadget for opening tins 小巧玲珑的开罐器

    Play the piano with dexterity 纯熟的指法弹奏钢琴

    Mental skill 智力技巧

    adroitness 熟练

    Cleverness 聪明

    The negotiations will call for considerable dexterity. 谈判将需要相当圆滑的手腕

    Dextrous 灵敏的

    Strong in nerve and sinew 意志坚定 精干

    Delicately shaped  精致的外形

    Skill in  擅长

    The artisan can cut stones into various shapes. 工匠可以将石头切割成不同形状

    Artisanal 工匠的 技术的

    We have the knowledge to prevent accidents from happening. 我们有避免事故发生的智慧

    A person new to a field or activity 对某个领域或者活动不熟悉

    Computer course 电脑课

    Is deal for novices 适合新手 适合初学者

    Novice at 新手

    An inept politician 无能的政治家

    In inept at  在 方面笨拙

    Ineptitude 不熟练

    Most favorable or advantageous 最喜欢或者有力的

    Keep at the optimum temperature保持最适宜的温度



