create type merchants_location_type as enum('IN_CAMPUS','OTHER_LOCATION','NO_LIMIT');
table schema is as below
create table merchants
id text not null
constraint merchants_pk
primary key,
location_type merchants_location_type default 'NO_LIMIT'::merchants_location_type not null
Customer postgres profile is
package xxx.api.merchant.utils
import xxx.api.merchant.merchant.LocationType
import com.github.tminglei.slickpg._
import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json}
import slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile
trait MyPostgresProfile
extends ExPostgresProfile
with PgArraySupport
with PgDate2Support
with PgRangeSupport
with PgHStoreSupport
with PgPlayJsonSupport
with PgSearchSupport
with PgNetSupport
with PgLTreeSupport
with PgEnumSupport
with PgDateSupportJoda {
def pgjson = "jsonb" // jsonb support is in postgres 9.4.0 onward; for 9.3.x use "json"
// Add back `capabilities.insertOrUpdate` to enable native `upsert` support; for postgres 9.5+
override protected def computeCapabilities: Set[slick.basic.Capability] =
super.computeCapabilities + slick.jdbc.JdbcCapabilities.insertOrUpdate
override val api = MyAPI
object MyAPI
extends super.API
with ArrayImplicits
with DateTimeImplicits
with JsonImplicits
with NetImplicits
with LTreeImplicits
with RangeImplicits
with HStoreImplicits
with SearchImplicits
with SearchAssistants {
implicit val strListTypeMapper = new SimpleArrayJdbcType[String]("text").to(_.toList)
implicit val playJsonArrayTypeMapper =
new AdvancedArrayJdbcType[JsValue](
s => utils.SimpleArrayUtils.fromString[JsValue](Json.parse(_))(s).orNull,
v => utils.SimpleArrayUtils.mkString[JsValue](_.toString())(v)
implicit val locationTypeMapper = createEnumJdbcType("merchants_location_type", LocationType)
object MyPostgresProfile extends MyPostgresProfile {
Slick code generator code is as bellow
package xxx.app.api.merchant.slick.gen
import slick.codegen.SourceCodeGenerator
import slick.model.Model
import slick.sql.SqlProfile.ColumnOption
class CustomSourceCodeGenerator(model: Model) extends SourceCodeGenerator(model) {
override def Table: slick.model.Table => TableDef = new Table(_) { table =>
override def Column: slick.model.Column => ColumnDef = new Column(_) { column =>
override def rawType: String =
.flatMap { tpe =>
tpe.asInstanceOf[ColumnOption.SqlType].typeName match {
case "_text" | "text[]" | "_varchar" | "varchar[]" => Option("List[String]")
case "_int8" | "int8[]" => Option("List[Long]")
case "_int4" | "int4[]" => Option("List[Int]")
case "_int2" | "int2[]" => Option("List[Short]")
case "_uuid" | "uuid[]" => Option("List[java.util.UUID]")
case "merchants_location_type" =>
case _ => None
.getOrElse {
model.tpe match {
case _ => super.rawType
override def packageCode(
profile: String,
pkg: String,
container: String,
parentType: Option[String]
): String =
|package $pkg
|// AUTO-GENERATED Slick data model
|/** Stand-alone Slick data model for immediate use */
|object $container extends {
| val profile = $profile
|} with $container
|/** Slick data model trait for extension, choice of backend or usage in the cake pattern. (Make sure to initialize this late.) */
|trait $container${parentType.map(t => s" extends $t").getOrElse("")} {
| val profile: $profile
| import profile.api._
| ${indent(code)}
protected def handleQuotedNamed(tableName: String): String =
if (tableName.endsWith("`")) s"${tableName.init}Table`" else s"${tableName}Table"
override def packageContainerCode(profile: String, pkg: String, container: String): String = {
val mixinCode =
.map(tableName => s"${handleQuotedNamed(tableName)}")
.mkString("extends ", " with ", "")
|package $pkg
|// AUTO-GENERATED Slick data model
|/** Stand-alone Slick data model for immediate use */
|object $container extends {
| val profile = $profile
|} with $container
|/** Slick data model trait for extension, choice of backend or usage in the cake pattern. (Make sure to initialize this late.)
| Each generated XXXXTable trait is mixed in this trait hence allowing access to all the TableQuery lazy vals.
| */
|trait $container${parentType.map(t => s" extends $t").getOrElse("")} $mixinCode {
| val profile: $profile
| import profile.api._
| ${indent(codeForContainer)}