- 【Field trip】: Jump in the muddy
- 【Field trip】: Little ducks.
- 【万科V-learn父母学院-家庭双语启蒙】1705-140-C
- 【万科V-learn父母学院-家庭双语启蒙】1705-140-C
- 【万科V-learn父母学院-家庭双语启蒙】1705-140-C
- 【万科V-learn父母学院-家庭双语启蒙】1705-140-C
- 【万科V-learn父母学院-家庭双语启蒙】1705-140-C
- 【万科V-learn父母学院-家庭双语启蒙】1705-140-C
- 【万科V-learn父母学院-家庭双语启蒙】1705-140-C
- 【万科V-learn父母学院-家庭双语启蒙】1705-140-C
1 音频 1b、peppa pig第一季1-10集、牙牙学语1、不一样的卡梅拉、婷婷唱古文
2 动画 1b、消防员山姆(中文)
3 儿歌与游戏
A、The chimney
Baby, come here. Let’s make a chimney. Here is a box. Let’s cut the two sides of the box with scissors. Now we got a chimney.
This is the top. Here is the lid. Can you open the lid? Yes. I can open the lid. Look, here is Santa(妈妈用手戴着圣诞帽). Can you help Santa open the lid? Yes. Thank you. Santa will pop out.
B、Hide and seek
孩子最爱的游戏之一,隔一段时间就玩一玩,这个哥俩都可以玩得嗨。Mummy, let’s play hide and seek. Ok. You can hide first. Kipper and I will look for you. We count from one to ten. One, two, three……ten. Ready or not? Here we come. Oh, where is Chip? Are you behind the door? Are you under the bed? Are you behind the curtain? Yes, we see you. Now it’s our turn to hide. Close your eyes and count from one to ten.
C、A box
We got a new box. Firstly, let’s draw the wheels on the box. Then the box is a car. We can drive the car. Driving in my car, bumpity bump.
Secondly, we can put a sheet on the box. Baby, can you get some cups and bowls and put them on the box? Good job. Now the box is a table.
Thirdly, we can put some fruit and food on the box. And we can make some signs. Now this box is a store. You are the boss of the store. I’m a customer. I want to buy some apples and milk. How much are they? Five yuan. Ok. Here you are.
At last, let’s make a house. We need scissors and transparent adhesive tape. We should make the roof, a door and windows for the box. Now the box is a house. You can put your animal toys in the house.

D、Learning from H to T
H is for horse
I is for ice cream
J is for jug
K is for key
L is for lamp
M is for mouse
N is for net
O is for octopus
P is for penguin
Q is for queen
R is for robot
S is for swan
T is for tent
4 分级与绘本
海尼曼 6本
牛津树 4本
绘本five little monkeys系列
5 Field trip
Go to the trampoline park
家附近新开了一家反弹蹦床公园trampoline park,正好最近在读牛津树《the trampoline》,准备带娃去体验一下。妈妈提前去踩了点、拍了照片,给小家伙做好了预热,宝宝自然是十分期待。这天天气非常好,请了小姨带宝宝去里面陪着一起玩。蹦跳、投篮、海洋球池、旋转滑梯、攀爬(爬了第一级,后面爬不上去)……一个小时的时间很快,小家伙意犹未尽,晚上熄灯聊天时间跟妈妈分享了很多玩耍的细节。妈妈很欣慰,突然发现,宝宝再也不是那个“我要妈妈陪着”才能玩耍的小伙子啦。“妈妈,我们下次再去好不好?我还要小姨陪我蹦,你和爸爸都太大了。”(⊙o⊙)…拿大人说的话来“对付”我们,看来,以后理由还是得更真实才行呀。

6 中文