Cooking at Home 难得在家下厨

Cooking at Home 难得在家下厨

作者: Doris_super | 来源:发表于2019-10-29 11:26 被阅读0次

    Tired of eating takeout and dining in reataurants,Jeremy and Anna decide to cook for themselves. They are planning to cook steaks and make salad.


    Anna & Jeremy



    Jeremy: I've downloaded the recipes from a cooking websites. Which one do you wanna make? The steak or the salad?

    杰里米: 我从一个烹饪网站上下载了食谱。你想做哪一个?牛排还是沙拉?

    Anna: I'll cook the steak. It seems easier.

    安娜: 我来做牛排。似乎更容易。

    Jeremy: Alright,I'll make the salad then.

    杰里米: 好吧,那我来做沙拉。

    Anna: Oh! You've found Gordon Ramsay's steak recipe! I'm a big fun of his!

    安娜: 噢! 你找到戈登·拉姆齐的牛排食谱了! 我是他的一大粉丝!

    Jeremy: Well,should I be looking forward to a perfectly cooked steak?

    杰里米: 嗯,我应该期待一顿完美的牛排吗?

    Anna: Of course! How would you like your steak done?

    安娜: 当然! 您的牛排要几分熟?

    Jeremy: Medium rare. But I bet that you'll overcook the steak haha.

    杰里米: 中等熟。但是我敢打赌你会把牛排烤得太老的,哈哈。

    Anna: No way! Just give me 10 minutes. And I'll cook you the best steak you've ever had!

    安娜: 一点也不! 给我十分钟。我会给你做你吃过的最好的牛排!

    Jeremy: Really? I'm counting on you.

    杰里米: 真的吗?我就指望你了。

    Anna: When have I ever let you down?

    安娜: 我什么时候让你失望过?

    Jeremy: Haha,fair enough. I'll go prepare the salad then. Let me see...We've got lettuce,shrimp,tomatoes,egg whites and bread crumbs.

    杰里米: 哈哈,很好。那我去准备沙拉。让我看看…我们有生菜、虾、西红柿、蛋清和面包屑。

    Anna: Are you sure you can handle so many ingredients?

    安娜: 你确定你能应付这么多食材吗?

    Jeremy: Definitely! We'll see who has the better cooking skill soon.

    杰里米: 当然! 我们很快就会知道谁的厨艺更好了。

    Anna: Okay-dokey. Let's kick it off!

    安娜: 好叭。让我们开始吧!


    lookforward to:期待;盼望

    I bet that:我敢打赌,我肯定

    counting on:依靠,指望

    lettuce:n. [园艺] 生菜;莴苣;(美)纸币

    shrimp:n. 虾;小虾;矮小的人

    egg whites:蛋清

    bread crumbs:面包屑

    ingredients:n. 材料;佐料



          本文标题:Cooking at Home 难得在家下厨
