

作者: 星际生存者 | 来源:发表于2023-10-05 06:09 被阅读0次

    #地球online#,202310060558. Tell us about a time when you felt out of place.类似焦虑烦躁之类的情绪化,是远古时代生存竞争的产物,在现代社会生活模式下,真的是个只有坏处没有好处的落后机制。面对危机的战或逃在大部分时候都用不上了,即使是感到不自在的时候,也很消耗身心健康。现代社会,有效的身心状态,是高度的放松,冷静,理性,是深度全面的观察思考,果断耐心的细致行动。需要的是一个高度自控的身心系统,情绪的干扰真的很没必要。因此,平时要通过观念念头的优化管理,冥想瑜伽之类的身心管理,以及各种事务应对模式的训练,让自己处于一种放松愉悦的状态,做到处变不惊,平静面对,抓住客观事实,通过有效的方法解决问题。# Earth online , 202310060558. Tell us about a time when you felt out of place. Emotionalism, such as anxiety and irritability, is the product of survival competition in ancient times. In the modern social life mode, it is really a backward mechanism with only disadvantages but no advantages. Fighting or fleeing in the face of crisis is not used most of the time, even when it feels uncomfortable.It also consumes physical and mental health. In modern society, an effective state of mind and body is a high degree of relaxation, calmness, rationality, deep and comprehensive observation and thinking, decisive and patient meticulous action. What is needed is a highly self-controlled physical and mental system, and emotional interference is really unnecessary. Therefore, in peacetime, we should optimize the management of ideas, meditation, yoga and other physical and mental management, as well as the training of various coping modes, so that we can be in a relaxed and pleasant state, do everything calmly, face calmly, grasp the objective facts, and solve problems through effective methods.




